Congratulations… because you’re just onestep away from a complete and proven Blueprint for any serious and determined Recruitment/Staffing or Search business owner who’s sick and tired of working ever longer hours for less and less reward.
It’s called ‘The 7 Deadly Threats’, and it reveals some of the biggest threats to your business in the new economy and how to avoid them. It’s 360-pages of tried, tested and proven business and client attraction strategies designed to make you money and add profits to your business. And it's yours today for just £12.97 ($19 USD Approx.) with FREE delivery anywhere in the world.
All you have to do to claim your copy of ‘The 7 Deadly Threats’ is click the big green button on this page, fill out your details on the secure order form and I’ll get one in the post to you as quickly as I can.
So if you want to make more money with less work, and fewer headaches then click the big green button now!

100% No Risk, Money Back Guarantee
It’s dead simple: read The 7 Deadly Threats and if at the end of it you don’t think it’s the most powerful book on Recruitment business growth and client attraction you’ve ever read, just drop me an email and I’ll refund all your money… and you don’t even have to send it back to me. (
I have only been working with Terry for a few months but he has already transformed my thinking and the results are now there to see. He has a clear understanding of what needs to be done and has helped me to implement a client attraction system that works. I would happily recommend Terry to any non competitor of mine.
Lee Hancock
i4C Executive Search Limited
About The Author
Terry Edwards is the worlds leading Marketing and Client Attraction expert for Recruitment/Staffing and Search Businesses. As CEO of 'drewcoaching' he has personally helped more than
1,000 Recruitment & Search Firm owners generate more leads and attract more clients. In addition to his coaching and writing, Terry is also a specialist keynote speaker for the Recruitment Industry.
I find the marketing tips and information Terry shares interesting and really get a lot of value and benefit from them, I have often forwarded them on to others and just find them a good read. Not too much information and not too long and “waffling” I find that I feel like I know who you are, really enjoy your writing. I would be happy to recommend Terry to other Recruitment/Search Firms… I work closely with a number of other recruiters and search firms, I find that in this economy we need to and benefit from working together. I do a number of splits with other agencies, I think we need to change how we see and do things, I have been so grateful to be able to get help and to give help to other colleagues, I think we all need to get an “abundance” mentality……………lets all work together and share……….. a half a loaf of bread is far better than no bread at all
Debra Manson
Debra Manson Recruitment & Training
I appointed Terry in October 2010 as my Business Coach and since that day I have never looked back. He has been motivating both in my business life and at home. He has helpd me find the focus I needed to see through all the everyday ‘firefighting’ that can ‘cloud’ your judgement and made me realise that by taking responsibility for your actions and in-actions everyday, you will achieve your goals. Goals is also another watch word with Terry, without them there is no destination and whilst anyone can set goals, Terry will enable you to exceed them in everyway. In addition to the weekly coaching session, he is always available to provide guidance at the end of the phone. His knowledge of marketing, your reason to be and the value of time has made a significant difference to the results I am seeing in my business. Terry you are an inspiration and a star
Melanie Bose
Omnium IT Recruitment Limited
I have been a recruitment business owner for 15 years and in that time I have met numerous coaches and trainers. I wasn’t keen at first to work with drewcoaching as I thought after nearly 15 years in the business there was little else I could learn about building a recruitment business, another concern was the fact I would be sharing my companies details with someone who works with many of my competitors Since working with drewcoaching, I have experienced an amazing transformation in business development. As a business we are able to generate more sales enquiries than ever in the history of the business and all of them without ever making a cold call. In fact we generated 82 leads in 4 days and signed one retained assignment, which when you consider we don’t really sell retained recruitment that was quite an achievement, the marketing has been so successful that potential clients are calling us, we have had to put the marketing on stop as we are unable to cope with so many leads in a short period of time. If you are tired of cold calling and would like to discover how to have your clients calling you I would recommend drewcoaching
Steve Hauge
Foundation Resourcing

100% No Risk, Money Back Guarantee
It’s dead simple: read The 7 Deadly Threats and if at the end of it you don’t think it’s the most powerful book on Recruitment business growth and client attraction you’ve ever read, just drop me an email and I’ll refund all your money… and you don’t even have to send it back to me. (

I have been a recruitment business owner for 16 years and although I recognised the value of coaching I had a number of reservations about working with drewcoaching. I was concerned that as they are UK based and I am in Ireland, they may not be in touch with the economic and business nuances here. I also had reservations about the time I would need to commit with an already very busy work life. I have been working with drewcoaching for 6 months now and none of my initial reservations have held true. I am really enjoying the coaching process and the value it is bringing to my business. It’s great to have an independent person who is interested and invested in the success of my business and who really understands the strategies, methods and techniques they are sharing with me as they have real business experience with them. It has also been reassuring to know that I am not going ‘mad’ on occasion and that my challenges are all fixable and changeable . I have been given the steps to take action and implement the changes needed to succeed. Even when the necessary changes have been quite difficult, drewcoaching have provided support and insight, which has increased my confidence in the actions across many aspects of managing my business. The practical aspect of their coaching around systems and process has been invaluable. Over the past six weeks since beginning to implement some of the structure and procedures into some areas of our recruitment process that were proving particularly challenging, we have had a great month in terms of revenue, which I directly attribute to the recent work I have been doing with drewcoaching. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend drewcoaching to any recruitment business not in competition with me. For any business that is, I would rather keep them a secret..
Mark Markey
The Recruitment Bureau
Terry, your clear step by step plans for generating leads, regardless of the delivery method is the number 1 most useful thing I am learning from you. Creative information that forces me to re-think business. It lifts the horse blinders in a sense!
Your ability to connect with top performers and outline their successful processes is useful and it’s great to be reminded to ‘take action’…
Content generation is useful, and other lessons on how to appeal to our client base. I believe the “profit club” will be a useful addition as a gathering place for your materials that can be accessed anytime by your customers. I would certainly recommend you to non-competing firms.
Dave Drohan
Bridge Point Search

100% No Risk, Money Back Guarantee
It’s dead simple: read The 7 Deadly Threats and if at the end of it you don’t think it’s the most powerful book on Recruitment business growth and client attraction you’ve ever read, just drop me an email and I’ll refund all your money… and you don’t even have to send it back to me. (

What Other Recruitment/Staffing and Search Firm Owners Have To Say About The Work Terry Does...
Happy to say that I have won business from putting Terrys methods into practice so I have no hesitation in recommending him to non-competitors especially if they are in a different geographical location!
Richard Blann
RandKA Flexible Recruitment Solutions
Terry has an engaging style and a unique outside-the-box approach to recruiting methodologies which I appreciate. Continually being open to new ideas, communication styles and techniques related to our business is important given the ever-changing climate of the business environment.
Joe S. Murawski
Focused Hire
22 leads in just 5 days… Without making a single cold call! – Terry delivers what he say’s he’s going to and that’s all you can ask for…
Kate Bailey
Cranleigh Personnel
I have been recruiting for nearly 10 years. When I was first approached by Terry Edwards I must confess I just couldn’t imagine that you could get recruitment business without cold calling. You see, in all my recruiting career ‘cold calling’ and ”word of mouth was the only way I was able to get business. That has all changed since working with Terry. There are two main benefits our business have got from working with Terry. The first one is, it has opened my eyes to the other effective methods of getting more clients. And secondly, in one week alone we generated 40 sales leads without making a single cold call. If you are serious about growing your recruitment business, I would recommend Terry Edwards
Jim Foster
Antal international Network
Terry provides a friendly voice giving me insights into the recruitment industry and ideas on marketing based on his no-nonsense, problem solving approach.
Richard Brown
Grassroots Recruitment
If not for your insight and inspiration I would not have had the courage and motivation to make the changes I have to improve my marketing and business strategies. We have changed our website to have a call to action, have a proactive marketing strategy that is consistent and producing results, numerous clips on you tube that talk about who we are, a vision about recruiting that allows us to stay true to who we are, we don’t need to be everything to every client we just need to be the best at who we are. You are not always right but dead on more than any other recruitment coach and advisor I have found in 20 years.
Jeff Abram
SearchWest Inc.
I have owned my own recruitment firm for 14 years now, and I must say I was reluctant to engage drewcoaching as I questioned if I would get my monies worth, also I believed that if there is anything that needs doing to improve the performance of the business than I would do it. However I have found with working with drewcoaching is, I am more focused than at any other time in my career, it is also great to have a sounding board to vent some of my frustration that comes with running a recruitment business. The main advantage of engaging drewcoaching is my marketing knowledge has increased substantially and our sales have improved dramatically. If you are looking to increase sales and performance of your team I would recommend drewcoaching…
Eloise Shelton
Vanilla Recruitment
I’ve been in business for over 17 years. Out of everything Terry has shared with me, I found the “permission marketing” aspects most useful.Terry shared with me the attraction marketing process that encourages my potential clients to come to me, rather than me always having to chase them. I would recommend terry to any Recruitment/Search Firm Owner who wanted to know more about marketing and attracting clients
Curtis Baer
Barrington Search Group
Terry has provided me with some very thought provoking comments and fresh ideas. Happy to recommend Terrys marketing advice and tips to other Recruitment Business owners who want more ideas around attracting clients.
Max Roberts
Walbrook Search
We have been in business for 12 years. We specialize in placing marketing/digital marketing candidates in luxury categories including beauty and wine & spirits. Terry has provided me with some very helpful tips on attracting clients and increasing profits. I would definitely refer Terry to another recruiting firm who wanted to grow their business.
Jan Liscio
Patrickson-Hirsch Associates
As a company, “Russells” have been in business for nine years. However, I worked for two other companies previously and have been around the Recruitment Industry for over 25 years. Terry seems to know exactly how difficult our market place is and knows all the pitfalls we come across on a day to day basis. In an industry notorious for it’s secrecy, it’s good to hear from someone who knows how you feel. We would be delighted to endorse Terry wherever we can
Marge Russell
Russell Recruitment
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