“Feast and Famine” cycle is exhausting

Most recruitment business owners don’t realize the true cost of a weak business development process until it’s too late.

Let me paint you a picture.

Imagine your average placement fee is £8K ($10K USD), and you aim to close five deals a month. That’s £40K in revenue—a solid foundation for a thriving business, right?

But here’s the kicker:
How many qualified leads do you need in your pipeline to close those five deals?

If you don’t have a clear answer, you’re not alone. Most Recruitment Business Owners I speak to are flying blind when it comes to their pipeline. They think they’re doing enough, but they’re often not even close.

Here’s the math:

  • If you close 1 in 5 leads, you need at least 25 high-quality conversations every month to hit your goal.
  • And that’s assuming your follow-up game is strong. If it’s not, you’ll need even more.

The reality? Without a system in place to consistently generate, nurture, and convert leads, most Recruitment Business Owners barely scrape the surface of what’s possible.

Take Jamie, for example.

When Jamie first came to us, he was booking two to three sales calls a week, and even that felt like a grind. He was spending hours sending cold messages and getting nowhere.

After implementing the principles we teach in the Recruitment Client Machine, he went from struggling to book calls to having 10 high-quality conversations on his calendar every week.

That consistency changed everything. Jamie now has a predictable pipeline, which means predictable revenue.

This isn’t magic—it’s the power of a proven system.

In the Recruitment Client Machine book, we share exactly how to build a pipeline that generates opportunities on autopilot.

Here’s what makes it different:
You’ll discover how to attract decision-makers who are ready to pay premium fees—without wasting time on cold outreach that doesn’t work.

When the book goes to print on Thursday, 23rd January, the full retail price will be £21.00, but you can pre-order your copy today for just £6 (approximately $8 USD), with free delivery anywhere in the world.

This isn’t just a book—it’s a roadmap to creating the business you’ve always wanted.

Pre-Order your copy here…

“Feast and Famine” cycle is exhausting

The “feast and famine” cycle is exhausting—not just for your business but for you personally.

One month, everything feels amazing. Clients are signing deals, cash is flowing, and you’re riding high.

But the next? It’s crickets.

That gut-wrenching moment at the end of the month when you realize there’s nothing lined up? It’s not just stress—it’s fear. Fear that the good months won’t last. Fear that you won’t be able to pay yourself—or your team. Fear that you’re one bad quarter away from losing everything.

This was exactly where Emma found herself when we first spoke.

She told me:

“Every time I land a few big deals, I stop doing business development because I’m so busy delivering for clients. But then when those deals wrap up, I’m back to square one, scrambling to find new work.”

Sound familiar?

Emma’s problem wasn’t her skills as a recruiter. It was her inconsistent approach to business development. She only focused on bringing in new clients when things got slow, which meant she was always reacting to her circumstances instead of controlling them.

Here’s what we did to help her:

  1. Made BD a non-negotiable priority. Even when Emma was busy with client work, she carved out time for business development every week.
  2. Installed a pipeline system. We helped Emma create a predictable flow of leads, so she didn’t have to start from scratch every time she needed new clients.
  3. Automated her follow-up. By implementing simple automation tools, Emma stayed top-of-mind with her prospects without spending hours chasing them.

Within six months, Emma broke free from the feast-and-famine trap and never had to worry about where her next client was coming from.

What’s even better? She got her evenings and weekends back.

The truth is, the feast-and-famine cycle doesn’t just hurt your business—it steals your peace of mind.

Recruit, Delegate, Thrive: The Essential Outsourcing Playbook for Recruiters

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🔍 Every week we get the Recruitment and Search Business Owners to share some of their biggest wins…

Here is a selection of our favorites:

  • 30% increase in my fees
  • Secured My Largest Business Fee Yet £80K

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  1. Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners,” – Our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training about what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here
  2. Listen and Subscribe to the “Make More Placements Podcast” – We’ve created a podcast that reveals the Quick, Dirty & Uncensored Secrets For Your Recruitment, Staffing, and Search Business Success who want to make more placements for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches as told by Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards – Listen Here
  3. Watch the free training – We put together an online workshop that reveals “5 Secrets To Taking Your Recruitment or Search Business From 6 to 7 Figures in Revenue…Without working yourself into an early grave” – Watch it here