Hiring managers think you’re desperate
Your approach to business development is making you look desperate to potential hiring managers…
And the reality is… you are desperate.
You probably think there’s a shortage of clients available in your market…
So you end up taking on low-value clients you don’t really want…
Lowering your fees just to win the business…
All because your business development isn’t generating enough opportunities.
So you feel like you’re not in a position to turn business away…
I hear the same things from Recruitment and Search Business Owners almost daily…
The role of business development in your business is to put more sales opportunities on your calendar…
More meetings with hiring managers who want to talk to you about using your services…
When you get the right volume of meetings and opportunities…
You begin feeling confident walking away from, or turning down, bad business and handpicking only the best clients…
And when you do that…
You enjoy what you do more because you’re working with clients who value you…
You earn more money because you’re working with clients who actually want to pay your fee…
And your overall enjoyment of what you do improves, too…
Sound like something you want?
I’m currently in the process of writing a new book called “The Recruitment Client Machine.” It will show you how to attract your dream clients like clockwork, regardless of the economic climate. When the book goes to print, the full retail price will be £21.00, but you can pre-order your copy today for just £6, with free delivery anywhere in the world.
Plus, when you pre-order today, you’ll get instant FREE access to the ‘Recruitment Client Machine Training Centre,’ which contains over 7+ hours of client attraction training specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners…
The cold calls you’re making
The business development approach you’re using sucks and is stopping you from winning the clients you want…
The cold calls you’re making…
The emails you’re sending…
The way you market candidates…
The way you brand your business, from your website to the content you post on LinkedIn…
Even everything you’re not doing because you assume it won’t work…
All of it is actively working against you winning new clients.
The industry as a whole struggles to win business…
Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners find client attraction the hardest part of their business…
It’s the part you enjoy least…
It’s the part you’re least confident about…
It’s the part you’re worst at…
And most of the industry feels the same…
Yet you market and promote your business based on what you see from other recruiters…
What you see from competitors that you assume works…
What you did when you were an employee before you started the business…
But if other recruiters are struggling in just the same way, copying what they’re doing is the worst thing you can do…
You end up with a watered-down version of something that was barely working in the first place…
This is just one of the many reasons the client attraction machine in your business is non-existent…
How Recruitment and Search Business Owners Dramatically Boost Their Fill Rate 🚀✅
6 Reasons Your Cold Emails Aren’t Getting You the Recruiting Clients You Want 📧❌
6 Reasons Your Cold Emails Aren’t Getting the Recruiting Clients You Want
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🔍 Every week we get the Recruitment and Search Business Owners to share some of their biggest wins…
Here is a selection of our favorites:
How One Recruitment Business Went from Frustration and Struggle to Doubling Revenue 😫💼➡️💰📈
From Zero to £20M in Business Revenue 💼💷 – Wendy Shand Interview 🎤
🚀 Ready to grow your Recruitment or Search Business? Here are three ways we can help…
- Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners,” – Our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training about what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here
- Listen and Subscribe to the “Make More Placements Podcast” – We’ve created a podcast that reveals the Quick, Dirty & Uncensored Secrets For Your Recruitment, Staffing, and Search Business Success who want to make more placements for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches as told by Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards – Listen Here
- Watch the free training – We put together an online workshop that reveals “5 Secrets To Taking Your Recruitment or Search Business From 6 to 7 Figures in Revenue…Without working yourself into an early grave” – Watch it here
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