Quickly and Easily Increase The Sales In Your Recruitment or Search Business with The Proven 'Recruitment Sales Recipe'
WARNING: This opportunity will disappear as soon as the countdown timer below hits zero. Act NOW if you don't want to miss out...
Dear Search or Recruitment Business Owner,
If you want the rare ability to attract clients and make sales "at will", without spending a small fortune on ineffective marketing; without spending hours on the phone and with less work, fewer headaches and far less hassle, then this letter is for you...
Here's the deal:
I've created a monthly newsletter and mastermind group called:
"The Recruitment Marketing Academy"
However, it is very expensive.
And, it's definitely NOT for everyone.
Here's what I mean:
The Recruitment Marketing Academy is an offline (paper & ink) newsletter, with an accompanying CD, containing tried and battle tested marketing strategies that are adding money to the pockets of Recruitment and Search Business Owners even as we speak...
You'll discover the quick, simple and PROVEN way to boost the number of leads you’re currently generating and increase the sales you’re making despite the economy, your competitors and without spending long hard thankless hours on the phone ‘cold calling’…
(Several of my clients have already banned their consultants from cold calling and are generating more leads than ever!)
You’ll hear how some of the worlds leading Recruitment and Search Business Owners are increasing their revenue and profits and how you can apply what they’re doing to your business and get the same results. Each issue is packed with actionable techniques (and even done-for-you templates, in some cases) designed to...
Put Money In Your Bank Account The Same Day You Use Them
That's my goal for you.
I want you to be able to rip open each issue, read it in one sitting, and then immediately USE the information to make your monthly subscription price back in spades.
And yes, this is easily possible. There's no doubt about it.
(Recruitment and Search Firm owners who are already members are doing this every single month)
Frankly, if you do this right, sell a good service people want, and are willing to actively put yourself out there, you can attract more of your ideal clients practically every time you switch on a marketing campaign.
If you join before the deadline on this page, you’ll also get a few valuable perks when subscribing, too!
The first of which is my brand new 'Recruitment Sales Recipe’ Training system...
This is a physical CD/audio program that is mailed to your home.
It's a 2 disk CD set, with an accompanying workbook that reveals the simple, yet astonishingly powerful client closing recipe used by my best clients, and some of the worlds top performing Recruitment and Search Firms, to convert more of your sales meetings into clients without sounding too salesy, needy or desperate for business. It usually sells for £197 ($300 USD Approx) but it's yours for FREE today when you join the 'Recruitment Marketing Academy".
WARNING: This opportunity will disappear as soon as the countdown timer below hits zero. Act NOW if you don't want to miss out...
Some of the tips inside the program include:
- How to get more retainers
- How to secure more job orders on exclusive terms
- We dissect the personality traits of the top billers world wide (some of this will certainly surprise you)
- Find out what your potential clients are really thinking during every sales meeting
- The real meaning of selling your Recruitment or Search services (We look at the importance of working on retainer or exclusive)
- We reveal the hidden and rarely revealed psychological triggers that can influence clients to want to pay you a higher fee (Stop competing on price and start operating at the top end of your market)
- Discover why your prospects will never ever buy from you and what to do about it (dealing with the objections you get from your clients is the fastest way to turn a “No’ into a “Yes”)
- Why your childhood beliefs about selling could be having a negative impact on your sales success and what to do about it (If you have ever felt that selling is dishonest or unethical you’ll want to hear this)
- The 19 words to use at the beginning of every sales meeting to increase your conversions by up to 25% (This small change in what you say will have a dramatic impact on your future business revenue)
- How to take away your business so that the client wants to buy more than you want to sell (take away selling is one of the most powerful but under used strategies there is)
- The four questions you must ask to get more exclusive and retained assignments almost overnight (Not asking these questions is costing your business thousands in potential revenue and profits)
- The proven formula for overcoming almost any objection your potential client throws at you (Doing this will remove any reason they give you NOT to buy your services)
- How to structure each and every sales meeting so every meeting you have with a potential client runs smoothly (Get back in control of your sales process)
- What to do and say BEFORE every sales meeting (Make sure your clients arrive at every meeting you have ready to move onto the next stage in your sales process)
- What your potential clients really want to hear during every sales meeting
And much more, including… The exact formula you can use to precision target your dream clients, get in front of them and ethically convince them to want to buy your Recruitment or Search services over your competitors... And Even...
My 60-Day "Double Your Leads" Game Plan...
This is my PROVEN, step by step action plan to double the number of leads you're currently getting in your Recruitment or Search Business in 60 Days or less.... Obviously I can't promise you any specific results. A lot would depend on how many leads you're already generating, the sector you work in and most importantly your ability to implement. But I can promise you a significant increase in the amount of leads you get right now. And as you'll see in a moment, it's a promise I'm backing up with my own money... But hang on... There's more! The 'Recruitment Sales Recipe is just ONE of the perks you get... When you join TODAY, you'll also get...
- An 18-page monthly printed Newsletter through your door. It goes to print on the first of every month, and lands on doormats about one week later. Each month is dedicated to a single theme and I leave no stone unturned to give you the very best of the best on everything we’re looking at.
- A 1hr LIVE coaching call with me once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month. I record every session, so if you’re unable to make the call, you’re not missing a thing. PLUS, you’re getting a CD of the recording delivered with your Newsletter every month.
- Access to the Recruitment Marketing Academy Members’ Area. This is where you’re bouncing ideas off your fellow Members and of course, me personally. Unless you’re on my Private Clients’ List, this is the only way you’re able to ask me direct questions by email and get a full and frank answer. This is where I also add heaps of supplementary videos, recordings and other goodies to help you with your marketing, sales, internet marketing and other entrepreneurial headaches.
- FREE Marketing Critiques. Every month I record virtually unlimited complete video critiques of members’ marketing pieces — ads, websites, sales letters, emails… You name it. Normally these are £297 and my clients love ‘em. But you’re getting them for free (it’s first come, first serve, and the ‘catch’ is you agree to let me use the critiques in future products and promotions).
- Occasional freebies and other goodies to make sure your Business is a success. You can count on my being generous (if you know me, you know this is true).
Anyway, here's the deal: The Recruitment Marketing Academy is usually £128 per month ($197 USD Approx.) But you can join today for just £97 +VAT ($147 USD.) with free shipping no matter what country you live in.
What’s more… your subscription will NEVER increase for as long as you’re a member.
But, really, if you’re doing what needs to be done and taking action, your Membership is FREE. Better than free, in fact, because you will be making bigger profits far outweighing the small subscription fee I’m asking from you.
Let’s put this into perspective. If generating leads and signing clients is a problem for you, all it’s going to take is for you join the 'Recruitment Marketing Academy’ to solve that problem forever.
Plus… You can cancel your membership at any time (for any reason)... And I'll even back this up with my remarkable 100% guarantee....
“If after 60-Days you don’t think the PROVEN, profitable sales and marketing techniques you’ll discover as a member of the Recruitment Marketing Academy is worth AT LEAST £1000 ($1600 USD Approx.) a MONTH to your business - just cancel your membership, send the newsletters and CD’s back and I’ll refund EVERY SINGLE PENNY - no questions asked, no hassle... I'll even let you keep the free bonuses I'm sending you just for joining”
Read that again and make sure it sinks in...
But be warned, IF you leave you won't be allowed to rejoin at anytime... This is not something you can just dip your toe into as and when you please. It's strictly for people who are willing to actually commit to growing their business! If you're not ready to commit... DO NOT JOIN!
This Might Not Be For You...
Fact is, this newsletter really is not for everyone.
And the vast majority Search and Recruitment Business Owners simply don't qualify.
For example...
The ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy' is not for Recruitment or Search Firm owners who believe this, or anything else for that matter, is going to work without you putting in any effort.... Or for people who are timid, faint-hearted, and are unwilling to ruffle a few feathers... Or people who are not serious about increasing sales by 100% or more. (And that’s not a typo.)
If that's you, don't waste your time.
I'm sure there's a place for you somewhere.
But It Ain't Here!
And there's no pressure to stay on board, either.
The members Recruitment Marketing Academy and I will continue to dominate our sectors whether you stay or quit. In fact, if you're not prepared to implement what you learn... or if you're just temporarily excited about the above perks and are not ready to do real work... then you should not subscribe.
This is for serious Recruitment and Search Firm owners only. No wimps aloud!
Anyway, there's a lot of money to be made as a Recruitment or Search Business owner...
And members of the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ are scooping it up — fast.
Now it's time to choose if you want in or not.
Click the button below to get started: