73% revenue increase

I met up with a few of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help last week for one of our quarterly Elite meetings…

And one of the members told me his turnover to date is 73% up from the same period last year…

And profit had doubled over the same period…

I know how ridiculous that might sound without being on the “inside” and seeing the work that has gone into that kind of progress…

I also know it would be more believable and therefore more impactful if the numbers were “more realistic” and a bit more modest…

But the numbers are the numbers and there’s nothing I can do about it…

Want to know how he did it?

In truth, it’s the results of lots of small things working together…

But one of the key elements to this, and progress in your business if you want to get similar results… Is the number of meetings with interested Hiring Managers he’s able to have each month…

He went from speaking to 2 or 3… To 20+ Hiring Managers…

And all things being equal when you make those changes results will follow…

Sound good?

Well… On Wednesday (9th October) I’m hosting an online workshop called: How to get more meetings with Hiring Managers in your market who have a need for your services

If you’d be interested in joining us you can get all the details here.

Getting more meetings with the right contacts is vital to the growth of your Recrutiment or Search Business…

Double the number of sales meetings you had last month and all things being equal you double your business revenue…

The problem is, most Recruitment/Search Business Owners simply don’t know how to establish these meetings and so struggle to grow fast enough…

I’m going to walk you through the exact frame work some of my best clients use to get 20+ sales meetings each and every month… And without having to cold call.

It’s 100% free, all you have to do to register is click the link below and register.


Terry Edwards


