Did Charles Darwin say this about Recruitment?

Charles Darwin was once quoted as saying: “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” I have since seen a few articles claiming that this is a misquote so whether he said those words or not remains a mystery to me… But…
“But Terry, No one in my industry does it that way…”

“But Terry, No one in my industry does it that way…” I hear the sentence above (or similar) way too often… I would go as far to say that almost EVERY Recruitment or Search Firm Owners I’ve ever spoken to has said it to me at some point… It usually comes right after I’ve…
You could be doing better

I speak to a lot of Recruitment and Search Firm Owners almost daily. From various sectors and achieving various levels of success. But something they all have in common is…. Without any exceptions, they can and should be doing so much better. Even the top 1% in the industry could be doing better still…
Why GOOD Recruiters end up with AVERAGE results

As far as I’m aware, very few Recruitment or Search Business Owners ever set up in business with the goal of being just ‘average’, They usually hope for a lot more… Even so… What usually happens is, they go out and model what the average Recruitment or Search Business in their sector is doing……
Should you be charging more?

One of the smartest things you can do if you want to increase the revenue and profits in your Recruitment or Search Business is adopt a premium pricing strategy… It doesn’t take a genius to work out; if you charge more for the work you’re currently doing, you’ll be a lot more profitable… And…
Why my mum and dad argued

When I was growing up, my dad had a bad gambling problem… Every Friday he’d get paid, and every Friday he’d risk his entire wages gambling… Some weeks he’d win big. And come home with gifts for my mum, four sisters and me… But most weeks he’d lose, and there would be no gifts……
Your Consultants Will FAIL
If you’ve just hired a new consultant… Or you’re in the process of doing so… Then this isn’t going to be something you’ll want to hear… But the truth is… For most Recruitment and Search Business Owners, the chances are that any consultant they bring into the business will struggle and eventually fail… I read…
Get clients who KNOW you’re the best Recruitment/Search option

We’ve all been there! Chasing clients down to get them to agree to a meeting with you… It’s something most Recruitment/Search Firm Owners go through at one time or another… And it works to an extent…. Sure, you get LOTS of “No’s”…. But you also get some that say “Yes” too… I’m not against…
Your clients don’t believe you

One of the reasons Recruitment and Search Business Owners don’t make as many sales as they would like is because they can’t get their potential clients to believe them… If you think about it, every objection you’ve ever had from a client about not buying your services is because of a belief or a…
Why Recruiters get ignored at parties

In yesterdays post I mentioned the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (if you missed it you can read it here) And it got me thinking… The fundamental principle of the book is this… In order to influence someone into doing what you want them to do, you need the ability to communicate…
How to lose friends and repel people

You’ve heard of the book “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, right? I read somewhere recently that it’s one of the best selling books of all time… But just in case you’ve never heard of it… It’s basically a self-help book that talks about the importance of influencing the people…
This stunts growth in Recruitment/Search Businesses

Here’s a question that will determine the speed of growth in your Recruitment or Search business… “How many NEW decision makers have you spoken to about your services within the last 30 days?” And I’m talking about proper positive conversations about your services… Not a cold call to someone who doesn’t have a need……
Something all successful Recruitment and Search Business Owners Do

Something I’m always asked by Recruitment and Search Firm Owners when they first start working with me on one of my programs is… “What do your best clients do that gives them the best results in the shortest amount of time?” Essentially, people want to know what the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who get…
4 Reasons clients HATE Recruiters

The worst thing you can do if you want to make more sales in your Recruitment or Search business is to be seen as, perceived as, or thought of as just another Recruitment or Search Firm. Let’s be honest. Your clients don’t really like most Recruitment or Search Firm Owners, A lot of Recruitment or…
How Carys Quadrupled her business revenue

A while ago a Recruitment Business owner in the UK called Carys Mills joined one of my programs… She wanted to do better in her business, more revenue, higher profits… But she didn’t necessarily want to work harder because she didn’t want her business to take time away from her kids.. Anyway… Within 12 weeks…
Knocking on doors

I was talking to one of the new members of “The Renegade Recruiter 90-Day Profit Accelerator” recently… He had just won his first client using one of the strategies I shared with him… within just three days of joining programme… And we got talking about just how easy it can be to win clients…
Julie’s made me happy

A few days ago I had a 1-on-1 coaching call with a client of mine, Julie Ramsey. She’s a Recruitment Business owner working with Asset and Motor finance companies and currently going through my new flagship program “The Renegade Recruiter 90-Day Profit Accelerator” … She’s was actually just getting ready to go on Holiday…
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