The Golden Goose Recruiters neglect

The real profit in winning a new client isn’t in the first sale… It’s in the ongoing relationship… The initial fee you get from a brand new client is great, but the right relationship with the right client can double, triple or quadruple the client value in just a few months… Add that up over…
You deserve better

A while back, I wrote a post on LinkedIn that said: “If you’re only willing to pay a Recruiter 17% for “the best candidate” but your biggest competitor is willing to pay 20% for the same thing… who do you think the Recruiter will give priority to when that candidate comes along? Hiring Managers need…
Hiring Managers leading the conversation

I was having a conversation with a Recruitment Business Owner and client of mine about the sales ‘process’ in his business a while back… His big problem was that although he could make SOME sales… They were almost never on the terms he wanted or for the fee he felt his services deserved… And he…
Recruiters: How to craft a winning sales presentation

It’s not the best recruiter who wins the business… It’s the recruiter with the best sales pitch/presentation… Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners don’t really know how to craft a winning sales presentation and so instead of winning business with the clients they want, for the fee they want and terms they want…. They end…
The Real Cost

Most Recruitment/Search Business Owners don’t say ‘NO’ often enough… Often believing any business is better than no business… Saying ‘YES’ to any and everyone as long as they’re willing to pay something… Anything… Even when it’s significantly less than the fee you actually want… WRONG! There’s good business and there’s bad business… There’s Hiring Mangers who…
How to “achieve” mediocre results in Recruitment

Staying in your comfort zone KILLS growth in your Recruitment or Search Business… Although most the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to know this intellectually… Very few really “GET” it! They’ll say they want growth… Better clients… Higher fees… More freedom… Higher profits and all that comes with it…. BUT they’ll fight like…
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