Are your fees immoral or unethical?

One of the subjects I’m extremely passionate about when it comes to increasing the profits for Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help is ‘pricing’… Far too many GOOD Recruitment and Search Business Owners undercharge and get undervalued by clients… I think it actually pisses me off more than it pisses off the Recruitment…
Unfair (especially if you’re an experienced recruiter), but true

Is there any difference between a Recruiter whose fee is 20% and one whose fee is 10%? Or a Recruiters whose fee is 40% and one whose is 25%? The answer is “Yes”… But it’s probably not for the reasons you’d think… I used to think that Recruiters who command higher fees do so…
Are you hiding?

What’s sometimes frightening to me is just how many Recruitment and Search Business Owners ignore their challenges and think that by some sort of miracle things will fix themselves… They won’t… If something’s not working you need to fix it, and fixing it is probably going to involve you taking a giant leap outside of…
It’s time to say goodbye … Forever

It’s time to cut your ties with bad clients… And if you’re like most Recruitment or Search Business owners you know exactly who I mean… The “price buyers” who are constantly driving your fees down even though you’ve delivered them results time and time again, The “non-payers” who are happy to constantly pester you…
You don’t need permission to do this

You don’t need permission from anyone to increase your fees… You don’t have to wait a certain amount of time or “pay your dues” (this goes for getting retainers too btw)… You could be new in the game or old in the tooth… If you want to get paid more for the work you…
Sorry, we’ve decided to use someone else on this occasion

Back when I had my first Recruitment business… I was on a follow-up call with a client who after all the niceties, promptly said nine words that changed my whole outlook on what I was doing… “Sorry, we’ve decided to use someone else on this occasion” The nine words he used weren’t particularly unusual……
Who are they?

Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners have no idea who their ideal client is… Sure they may have some inkling as to what market they operate in… But I’m talking about a careful analysis here… The top Recruitment and Search Business owners have a very strict set of criteria that a potential client must…
Predict the future

The results you’re getting in your Recruitment or Search Business today (good or bad), are nothing to do with what you did yesterday, last week or even last month… They’re to do with the actions you’ve taken over the past few months… I know you probably already know that intellectually… But you might not…
How to go from contingency to retainers
I’ve had a few people ask me how to go from working on contingency job orders to working on a retained (or at least exclusive) basis… What do you say to the client, how do you say it, when do you say it etc… Like anything in life, to convince someone to do something,…
Your clients don’t like it when you do this

Yesterday I talked about how going from Contingency recruitment to Retained/Exclusive takes a mindset shift… A shift in the belief Recruiters have built up about what working on Contingency means for them and the client… They often have the belief that Contingency is the best for the client, even if they can see how…
Bizarre contingency Recruiters

The last couple of posts we’ve sent have been talking about Contingency VS Retained/Exclusive… And I’ve had quite a bit of backlash for it… Me: “Hey if you’re a Contingency Recruiter and you’re good at what you do, you should get paid accordingly and on terms that mean the clients loyal and not working with…
Contingency Vs Retained or Exclusive.. you deicide

So a few days back I posted about working on contingency assignments vs working on a retained or exclusive basis… It offended some people… (Apparently telling recruiters they should get paid for the hard work they do is one of many touchy subjects in this industry) One person on Facebook (rightly) pointed out that…
“I need candidates, not clients.”

“I don’t know where you got this information from but the biggest problem in Recruitment right now is attracting candidates and not clients.” Someone commented the above on one of my Facebook videos recently… It’s something I’ve heard before numerous times… And I can understand why some Recruitment and Search Business Owners might THINK…
How to make a recruiter cry

If you’ve been following me for even a short period of time, You’ll know my thoughts on cold calling, It works, it can be useful and sometimes even necessary… but there are easier and faster ways to grow a Recruitment or Search Business in today’s market… But when I say things like this… The…
Recruiters suck at marketing!

Let’s face it… most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners fall WAY below their potential… You can meet a Recruitment or Search Firm Owner doing well into six figures. But still just scraping by. Working flat out just to cover the cost of their underperforming consultants, long hours, treated like shit by clients, feast and…
Another cliché

There’s an old, clichéd saying that goes: “Fail to plan, plan to fail” And like most old, clichéd sayings… It’s pretty spot on in many cases. If you don’t set goals or targets… You have nothing to work towards and you just sort of drift along through life… Your life AND business get pulled…
Do you know this already?

You’re almost certainly sitting on hidden profits in your Recruitment or Search Business that can be unlocked within a matter of weeks… I obviously can’t be 100% sure without knowing anything about you or your business… But if you’re anything like the majority of Recruitment and Search Business owners I help, just a quick…
This saying is probably overused

You’ve no doubt heard the saying before “You can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results” (or similar)… It’s overused, Cliche… But true nevertheless… It’s September today… Thats means we’re entering the final third of the year… And if you’re like most the Recruitment and Search Business Owners in the industry… Your…
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