Life as a Recruitment/Search Business owner throws up many questions…
Some that are easier to answer than others…
But there is one question you must be able to answer if you ever want your business to reach it’s full potential…
“How much is an average client worth to you over the time they remain a client?”
… It’s a question your need to be able to answer, because it’s fundamental to everything you do when it comes to marketing your Recruitment or Search Business…
For example… Let’s say each client you get pays you an average of £20,000 (or whatever your local currency is) per completed job order…
And on average you complete 3 job orders during the lifetime of each client…
That would mean that the average client is worth to you £60,000 (or whatever your local currency is)…
So the question is… If on average each client is worth to you £60,000, how much money would you be willing to spend to get them on your books?
The smart answer is “a lot”… Even if you set your desired return on investment to be 500%, then you’d still have room to invest £12,500 to win just one new client…. And you can do a shit load of marketing for £12,500!
But you’ve got to know what the numbers are in your business… You need to know how much each new sale is worth to you and more importantly what price you’re willing to pay to get it!
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