A question you need to answer first

Recruitment and Search Firm Owners often come to me with questions relating to “HOW” they attract new clients into their business.

It’s a good question and one that will need an answer eventually, but a question they need the answer to first is ‘WHO’…

“Who” you target should directly influence “How” you market your business…

It’s important to know who you’re trying to reach, what attracts them, what peaks their interest, what persuades them and how they prefer to be offered and receive information.

It sounds obvious when you think about it, but you would be surprised at how many Recruitment and Search Firm Owners focus their marketing on what their service does and not what their client wants!

Most the marketing I see from Recruitment and Search Firm Owners is very broad, vague and generic, not narrow, focused and specific…

When you think about the typical non-direct-response advertising, you see from the majority of the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners.

It’s very focused on the company and the brand and not on the client!

This type of marketing tends to work for big blue chip organisations who can afford to spend millions on any one campaign at a time,

But for you in your business it tends to get swallowed up, meaning you get ignored.

Dan Kennedy, the godfather of marketing, sums this up best in his book “No B.S. Direct Marketing” where he refers to this as…

“Trying to influence the ocean with thimbles-full of water… When you have comparatively limited resources, you must deploy them very selectively.”

… He’s spot on of course!

The moral of the story is this… Get very specific about who it is you want to work with, what you ideal client looks like, how they behave, what their needs are and what their spending behaviours are…

And then craft a marketing message that meets those needs…

You can find out exactly how by joining the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ and discovering the easy way to generate more leads, attract more clients and grow your business profits. Click below for details.

Join Here

Until then…
Speak to you soon,

Take care, take action and be relentless…

Terry Edwards



