One of the subjects I’m extremely passionate about when it comes to increasing the profits for Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help is ‘pricing’…
Far too many GOOD Recruitment and Search Business Owners undercharge and get undervalued by clients…
I think it actually pisses me off more than it pisses off the Recruitment and Search Business Owners it’s happening to…
But get this… Some Recruitment and Search Business Owners don’t WANT to get paid more for their services because they think it’s in some way immoral or unethical to do so…
(At least that’s what they say)
This shocked me when I first heard it…
Frankly… anyone who thinks this is looking at things completely backwards…
Charging more isn’t JUST about you… It’s about your clients and the people you help…
Think about this…
- The more you charge, the more committed the client is to the process. They’ll give feedback quicker, promptly respond to your calls and emails which makes it easier for you to get them the best results…
- You’ll be more profitable so you can go out and hire the best consultants in the industry and pay them top dollar. This will further improve the results you get for your clients… AND improve the personal lives of your team…
- Your team will enjoy what they’re doing more because they’ll feel valued and appreciated, meaning they’re likely to work even harder on each assignment… The harder they work the better results your clients get…
- You’re able to give more time and dedication to each client and you feel a healthy pressure to deliver because they’ve paid you a higher fee…
- You can grow faster meaning you can serve even more of your market…
- Getting better results for your clients simultaneously means you’re getting better results for your candidates too…
I could go on… Everyone wins!
And these are facts based on what I’ve seen in the Recruitment and Search Businesses I’ve helped… not just opinions based on what I think might happen…
But when you flip this around, it means undercharging is actually doing you, your clients, your team and your candidates a disservice…
The way I see it, it’s actually more unethical and immoral to deliberately undercharge because everyone loses…
I know I’ll piss a lot of people off by saying that (nothing new there) … But it’s the truth…
I could talk about this all day, and I’ll no doubt revisit it another time. But the bottom line is this… If you want to charge higher fees and get better results for you, your candidates and your clients… But you don’t yet know how, click below and get your FREE blueprint –
Yep! I want to charge more and help my clients
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