Better and faster

A mentor of mine shared an article on his Facebook page a few days ago, and it got me thinking about how the majority of Recruitment and Search Business Owners run their businesses… 

The typical Recruitment and Search Business Owners thinks in terms of “more and bigger” rather than “better and faster.” 

I blame the “Grant Cardone 10X” or “hustle” culture … 

I love the book, and I love getting my head down and grinding out big wins… 

But a lot of Recruitment and Search Business Owners are taking it too literally and running ever faster just to stay in the same place… 

They aim for more revenue rather than better profit margins… 

They aim for more team members rather than a team that performs better and consistently beats target… 

They go for more clients rather than better quality clients who use them exclusively and pay a higher fee… 

So as their company grows, things get more complicated and less rewarding… 

Suddenly your five years in with a bigger business,10 times the size on when you started, with 10 times the stress and headaches but not 10 times the take-home money… 

Not what you signed up for is it? 

It’s got to be better, not just bigger… 

Here are four ways I can help…

  1. Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners” – It’s our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training centred around what you need to do to make more placements and scale your Business. — Join Here
  2. Watch the free training – We put together an online workshop that reveals “5 Secrets To Taking Your Recruitment or Search Business From 6 to 7 Figures in Revenue…Without working yourself into an early grave” – Watch it here
  3. Get the ‘Make More Placements’ Book – We’ve put together a book that outlines the Discover the quickdirty and uncensored secrets top-performing Recruitment and Search Business Owners use to make more placements, for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches… – Get it here
  4. Work with us privately – If you’d like to work with us privately to scale your Recruitment or Search Business click the following link, fill out the short application form and someone will be in touch – Apply here