So a few days back I posted about working on contingency assignments vs working on a retained or exclusive basis…
It offended some people…
(Apparently telling recruiters they should get paid for the hard work they do is one of many touchy subjects in this industry)
One person on Facebook (rightly) pointed out that there’s a place for both…
“Contingency” AND “Retained or Exclusive” recruiters working side by side…
And there is a place for both in the industry…
But you as the business owner shouldn’t be concerned about the industry as a whole, you should be concerned about you, your business and your results…
And you have choices…
You can, of course, choose to work on a contingency basis like the vast majority of the industry…
And get paid if, and only if you place the candidate no matter how hard you’ve worked on the assignment…
Where if your fill rate is 30% for example, it means that 70% of the work you do you’re never going to get paid for….
Where you compete with two, five or even ten other Recruiters for the same job order, working from the same pool of candidates…
Where your biggest challenge is finding candidates in a candidate short market….
Where you strike gold, find the “perfect candidate” only to be told that one of your competitors has already put them forward to the “client” …
Where your clients aren’t loyal, and will still take calls from anyone who offers a “hot candidate” …
(By the way… I’m not sure how you can really call someone a client if they haven’t given you any commitment what so ever and they’re giving your competitors the same role…)
Or you can work on exclusive terms and pretty much eradicate 90% of the challenges mentioned above….
Better still, you can work on a retained basis, eradicate all the challenges above AND get paid before you do the work…
Just to be clear… It’s your choice to make, and there’s no right or wrong answer (although in my experience there’s certainly a more profitable answer)
And I personally don’t mind what choice you make, it will have no impact on my life whatsoever…
Just make sure it’s a choice you’re making because you WANT to… and not because you think you HAVE to…
Just make sure it’s a choice you’re making because you think it’s best for your business and your results and not because you THINK “that’s how it works in your sector”…
Just make sure it’s a choice you make for logical business reasons and not simply because “I don’t know how win an exclusive or retained job order”…
Because you can find out how to get exclusive or retained clients by clicking the link below and claiming your free blueprint… Even if no one in your industry is currently doing it, without having to lower your fees and without losing clients you’re currently working with.
Claim your blueprint here –
As I said before, you have a choice… And there’s no right or wrong answer; you CAN build a successful business taking either path … But in my view, based on working with and speaking to hundreds of Recruitment and Search Businesses every year there certainly is an easier and more profitable path –
OK, Terry! I’m curious, tell me more
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