… Delay


RECRUITER: I’ve just seen an interview you did with one of the Recruitment Business Owners you help, and I want to grow my business and get the same results

ME: OK, here’s what it’s going to take.

RECRUITER: Great, I can see how that will work… But I’m not ready yet, I need to grow my revenue first.

ME: ….

I have conversations like this or very similar almost daily!

Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want results BEFORE they do they work…

It’s why they stay stuck!

Life just doesn’t work that way…

It’s like delaying joining the gym because you’re not fit enough…

Or waiting until you’re wealthy before you invest your finances…

Behaviour comes BEFORE Results….

Never the other way around…

You first join the gym, then you get fit…

You first invest your finances, then you become wealthy….

You first change what you’re doing in your business, then your revenue grows…

NEVER the other way around!

The results you’re getting in your business are just an outcome of your behaviour…

And results will never change unless you do first…

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways you can improve your results starting today –

  1. Join the “Make More Placements” Facebook group – It’s our new Facebook community where smart Recruitment and Search Business Owners learn to win more clients and increase profits with less work and fewer headaches. — Click Here
  2. Get a free copy of the “Profit Book” – We’ve put together a free guide that reveals “7 Proven Strategies Recruitment and Search Business Owners use to boost profits” – Claim your copy here
  3. Watch the 27-minute crash course – It reveals 3 Super Simple Strategies the top 1% of Recruitment and Search Business Owners use to scale past Seven-Figures – Watch here
  4. Work with me privately – If you would be interested in working with us privately to help you scale your Recruitment or Search Business fast. Reply to this email with the word ‘Placements’ and we’ll give you a personalised plan you can use to predictably make more placements, for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches.
