Over the years, I’ve spoken to countless Recruitment and Search Business Owners thinking about increasing their fees…
Thinking about recruiting at a higher level…
Thinking about doing something….
Many hold back because they feel they aren’t qualified…
That’s a double whammy;
A self-image deficiency, and an inaccurate appraisal of the way the marketplace works…
When it comes to your fees, the clients you work with or any other part of your business…
There is no qualified or unqualified…
There simply a ‘do’ or ‘don’t’…
Here are the facts…
There are people in your market right now with LESS experience, skill and knowledge then you… With a smaller database and worse service…
Charging more than you, working with better clients, making more profits getting everything you want and more…
And you there are people with MORE experience than you, more skilled, more knowledgeable with a bigger database and better service…
Who are charging less than you are, have lower revenue and profits and look at the business you have with envy…
The market doesn’t care how qualified, skilled or knowledgeable you are…
The only thing that counts is perception…. And in business, perception is reality…
I read this quote a while back…
“The only valid price tag is the one we attach to ourselves. If we price ourselves too low, the world will agree. But if we price ourselves with the very best, the world also willingly accepts that valuation.”
Couldn’t have put it better myself!
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