Growth…? Forget it.

I speak to Recruitment and Search Firm Owners almost on a daily basis, so I have a better understanding than most about what actually goes on in their businesses….

What’s shocking is, just how many are generating LESS THAN ONE potential client a week…

Many are creating just one genuine new opportunity a MONTH.

And every now and then, they’ll have a month where they create ZERO!

Most are doing ‘OK’. Making decent money…north of six-figures.

But growth…? Forget it. They’re stuck. Not moving. Not improving. Just treading water.

It’s like having a nightmare job…

No raise, but more work every year, longer hours every year…more risk every year…

For what reward?

What’s missing for every single one of these Recruitment and Search Firm Owners is any sort of system for creating new opportunity…

They get by on nothing more than hope and luck.

For some that’s fine, I guess. And, if that’s fine for you, there’s no point in you reading my messages… I can’t help you.

But if you want more…If you want growth, opportunity and the freedom that comes with it, then maybe you should apply for a place on my private client list:

Begin your application here…

Last week I opened up a few slots, you can apply by clicking the link below –

Apply here…

Speak to you soon,

Until then…

Take care, take action and be relentless…

Terry Edwards


