Staying in your comfort zone KILLS growth in your Recruitment or Search Business…
Although most the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to know this intellectually… Very few really “GET” it!
They’ll say they want growth…
Better clients…
Higher fees…
More freedom…
Higher profits and all that comes with it….
BUT they’ll fight like hell to avoid doing anything that makes them feel in the slightest bit uncomfortable…
Their behaviour contradicts what they know to be true, and they let fear dictate their results…
And when you let fear control you… You end up swimming in mediocracy…
And you know what that means?
It means dealing with crap hiring managers who constantly demand your cheapest fee and ignore your value…
It means running around tirelessly for scraps of business the leading firms don’t want because you’ve come to accept “any business (even if it’s crap) is better than no business…
It means having a team of fee earners with 20% or more underperforming…
Step away from comfortable and start improving your results!
Start by clicking the link below –
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