You’ve heard this saying before…
“Assumptions make an ass out of u and me.”
Let me re-word that…
You MIGHT have heard that saying before (don’t want to make any assumptions) …
Anyway… Although most people are familiar with the phrase, making assumptions is something we ALL do…
And most of the time doing so has no obvious negative impact…
But making assumptions in your Recruitment or Search Business can be very costly….
Most of us have preconceived ideas about what is and is not possible and acceptable in our businesses…
We assume we know what our clients and potential clients are thinking and have the arrogance to assume we know what they will and will not like…
For example;
We often set our prices based on what we ASSUME our clients are willing to pay for our service…
We deliver our service based on what we ASSUME our clients are looking for…
And we market and sell our service in a way we ASSUME our potential clients will respond to…
And more to the point….
We ignore things we ASSUME our clients will not respond to…
But they’re all just assumptions!
I’ve lost count of the number of times a Recruitment or Search Firm Owners I’ve been working with has pushed back on an idea because they assume it won’t work in their market or for their clients…
They don’t want to send a particular email because they assume their clients won’t like it,
Or they don’t want to run a particular campaign because they think their market won’t respond…
Only to try it a few months later and dramatically increase their sales…
It might surprise you to discover this…
But effective marketing that gets your potential clients to raise their hand and express an interest in what you do, isn’t really a matter of amazing copywriting, sharp insights and ‘seduction and influencing’ techniques….
No, rather boringly, it’s about relentless testing and measuring of what works instead of making stupid assumptions…
It’s perhaps not the glamorous and sexy answer to your business challenges you were looking for… But it’s just the way it is!
What I mean is, you’ll often find you’ll think about an idea you want to try out.
So you’ll go out and ask people what they think…
You’ll ask your friends, colleagues and family; you’ll ask people down the pub; you’ll maybe even ask me…
And what you’ll get is lots of opinions, some more informed than others, to be sure, but what you won’t get are facts…
And the only way you will EVER get the facts it by testing…
Every business owner (including me and you) is probably sitting on untested ideas that could be worth thousands, if not millions in revenue…
All because we’re assuming it won’t work in our particular special niche…
So next time you find yourself saying something like…
“That won’t work in my market.”
“My clients won’t respond to that.”
“I don’t think it will work in my business.”
Ask yourself this question…
“What EVIDENCE do I have for the assumptions I’m making?”
The only way you can get real evidence is by testing it FIRST, and if you don’t have any actual evidence, you’re just making an assumption…
Anyway… If you PROVEN client attraction and lead generation strategies to test in your Recruitment or Search Business, you should click the link below and join the ‘Renegade Recruiter Movement’ (assuming you’re not already a member)
Join here
Right now you can get full access for just £98 per month, that works out at around £3.22 per day.
What’s more… your subscription will never increase for as long as you’re a Member.
But really, if you’re doing what needs to be done and taking action, your Membership is free. It’s better than free in fact, because you should be making bigger profits far outweighing the small subscription fee I’m asking from you.
Click this link to join
But don’t wait around… On Wednesday 13th December 2017 I’m increasing the price to join for good. To lock your membership in at its current rate, click the link below now.
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless….
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