Charging higher fees will make your life easier and your business more profitable…
Let’s imagine this for a second…
Recruiter A: Fees of 10K per placement…
Recruiter B: Fees of 30K per placement…
All things being equal, Recruiter A has to work three times as hard just to do the same revenue recruiter B does…
3 x more placements,
3x more hours on the phone,
3x more meetings with Hiring Managers,
3x more interviews,
3x more team members,
3x more headaches,
Just to do the same revenue but all for less profit!
And although the numbers may change, the same rule applies with even just a slight increase in fees, from 10K to 11K for example…
When it comes to growing a business, the vast majority of Recruiters think of growing headcount first…
It’s a lot easier and a lot more profitable to increase your fees (even if you have to move up the food chain)…
Want help with this? Here are four ways I can help…
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