Your life as a Recruitment or Search Firm Owner is full of decisions…
Do you run with that new website idea, or not?…
Do you run with that new marketing campaign, or not?
Do you invest in that new shiny marketing product you’ve seen, or not?
Do you hire/fire that consultant?
We can make informed decisions based on past experiences, but there are never really any guarantees in life…
So sometimes, actually deciding to do or not to do something can be one of the most challenging obstacles you have to overcome…
We all want certainty… But it doesn’t exist!
So what can happen is, instead of making that vital decision and taking action, we end up doing nothing and just sticking with what we know…
Even if what we know isn’t serving us as well as we’d like…
So here’s something you can use to make your decision making that bit easier…
I can’t remember who first shared this with me, but since the moment I first heard it I’ve used it to make almost every business related decision I’ve made…
And I even use it to make decisions in my personal life too…
When you’ve got what seems like a difficult decision to make, what you do is first think of what the worst case scenario would be…
The worst possible outcome for you if everything goes completely wrong…
Then think of the best case scenario…
The ideal outcome if everything goes to plan….
You’ll soon realise that the worst case scenario is never really that bad… And even if it appears really bad at first, it’s unlikely to happen and is never irreversible…
That’s the good thing about marketing… You can completely mess things up over and over again and make stupid mistakes… It can all be rectified the next day. No damage is permanent…
The best case scenario is just as unlikely to happen as the worst… But you can make your decision with the confidence that the actual outcome will land somewhere between the two…
Thinking about things rationally like that often helps me approach things with a clear and realistic view point…
Speaking of making decisions…
You have a very important decision to make about the future success of your Recruitment or Search Business…
I have a few slots left on my private client list. If you want my personal help and attention helping you take your Recruitment or Search Business to the next level, click the link below and begin your application.
Start your application here…
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards
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