Most Recruitment/Search Business Owners don’t say ‘NO’ often enough…
Often believing any business is better than no business…
Saying ‘YES’ to any and everyone as long as they’re willing to pay something…
Even when it’s significantly less than the fee you actually want…
There’s good business and there’s bad business…
There’s Hiring Mangers who are good to work with, value your service, happy to pay your fees had happy to take your guidance…
And there are Hiring Managers who are bad to work with, don’t value you, constantly demand you to reduce your fees and don’t listen to your advice (even though you’re the expert) …
Not walking away from ‘bad’ business drains your profits….
Because although you may be getting paid something (even if it is significantly less than you deserve) …
The real cost is in the time, energy and resources you now have to spend working with a low value client….
When you could have used that same time, energy on securing several more valuable clients…
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