None of the recruiters I help do this

You might find this hard to stomach,

And depending on what you believe to be true about attracting clients into your Recruitment or Search business, you’re likely to have some kind of emotional reaction to the next statement…

None of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help cold call potential clients to win business…

It’s not that cold calling doesn’t work (it does)…

It’s not that they don’t like it or are unwilling to do it (some of them love it)…

It’s not that they don’t use the phone (almost all of them do)…

It’s not that they’ve never been shown how (almost all have done it in the past)…

It’s just that very quickly they find newer and faster ways of getting their ideal clients attention so it just doesn’t make sense…

Would you still cold call if you have your ideal clients reaching out to you daily? Or you had a long list a prospects to call who already knew you, expected your call and were willing to listen to what you have to say?

Even if you love cold calling it just wouldn’t be an effective use of your time anymore…

But get this…

The Recruitment and Search Business Owners who follow the process I teach still speak to between 3-5 NEW prospects every single day…

That’s 3-5 new opportunities to pitch their services to interested prospects…

That doesn’t even include past/old clients… That’s brand new…

If every fee earner in your team spoke to 3-5 interested prospects daily what would your pipeline look like?

I’m getting a few Recruitment and Search Business Owners together next week for an online seminar to share this exact process…

We’ll be revealing four things the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help do to consistently grow their business and break through the glass ceiling…

It’s 100% Free to join, all you have to do is click the link below and claim one of 100 available spots…

Details here…

Here’s some of what we’re covering…

  • Why cold calling, networking and referrals are the SLOWEST, most tedious way of getting new clients…and the simple step by step process our clients use to make winning new business easy, fast and predictable
  • Why “hiring more consultants” is the WORST way to scale a Recruitment or Search Business and what you should be doing instead (Hint: Get this right and you’ll unlock hidden revenue in your business within just a few weeks)
  • The proven client attraction plan that takes our clients from ‘unknown’ to having sales meetings with their ideal clients every single day (This will have prospects “knocking’ at your door wanting to buy from you above your competitors)
  • Four principles that help the Business Owners we help go from low 6 figure p/y business to 7 figure profit machines (without having to work themselves into an early grave)

Spaces are limited to just 100 people so if you’re interested, click the link below and reserve your spot…
