Offence VS Defence

You can either play offence or defence…

Defensive Recruitment and Search Business Owners are thinking in terms of survival and survival alone…

They’re retreating, fearing the unknown and letting it stop them from moving forward…

They’ve already given up; they’re on “pause” waiting for this whole thing to blow over hoping their business is still around when it does…

They’ve stopped marketing, stopped posting on social media, stopped reaching out to prospects or they’re doing it half-heartedly expecting for things not to work…

Then you’ve got Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who are playing on the offensive…

They’re protecting their assets, clients and cash…

They’re pivoting where needed, and they’re looking for ways to grow and profit…

They’ve stepped up all the activity they were doing before, reaching out to more prospects and driving things forward all guns blazing…

Their plans might have changed, but their goal hasn’t…

I don’t know what category you fall into, perhaps you even fall somewhere in-between…

But something I know for sure is only offensive Recruitment and Search Business Owners are playing to win…and stand the best chance of capturing market share!

I’ve been working with the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help this week crafting plans for them to protect, pivot and profit in their business during COVID-19… If you’d like my help too, click the link below –

Click this link for details –
