It’s been closed since November last year, and I’ve had a few people ask me when it’s going to be re-opened.
Well, today’s the day.
You can now join the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ and discover how you can quickly increase your revenue and profits with less work, fewer headaches and a lot less hastle by clicking the link below –
Here’s what you get each dn every month you’re a member…
- A 12-page monthly print Newsletter through your door. It goes to print on the first of every month, and lands on doormats about one week later. Each month is dedicated to a single theme and I leave no stone unturned to give you the very best of the best on everything we’re looking at.
- A 1hr teleclass with me once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month. I record every session, so if you’re unable to make the call, you’re not missing a thing. PLUS, you’re getting a CD of the recording delivered with your Newsletter every month.
- Access to the Recruitment Marketing Academy Members’ Area. This is where you’re bouncing ideas off your fellow Members and of course, me personally. Unless you’re on my Private Clients’ List, this is the only way you’re able to ask me direct questions by email and get a full and frank answer. This is where I also add heaps of supplementary videos, recordings and other goodies to help you with your marketing, sales, Internet marketing and other entrepreneurial headaches.
- FREE Marketing Critiques. Every month I record virtually unlimited complete video critiques of members’ marketing pieces — ads, websites, sales letters, emails… You name it. Normally these are £297 and my clients love ‘em. But you’re getting them for free (it’s first come, first served, and the ‘catch’ is you agree to let me use the critiques in future products and promotions).
- Occasional freebies and other goodies to make sure your Business is a success. You can count on my being generous (if you know me, you know this is true).
Click below to join.
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards
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