I was reading an article on Forbes today that explored the difference between confidence and ego…
People make the mistake of thinking that ego and confidence are the same thing…
None more so than recruiters…
Here’s how the article explained the differences…
“To have confidence is to have faith in your own abilities and believe in yourself, but the ego is something else, entirely. Unlike confidence, the ego operates out of self-interest. It seeks approval, accolades and validation at all costs in order to be seen as “right”. It is resistant to feedback and assigns motive where there isn’t any.”
To be successful as a Recruitment or Search Business Owner, confidence in your own ability and confidence in the process you’re using helps you move forward…
Ego does the complete opposite and typically shows up in two ways for the Recruitment and Search Business Owners i speak to…
- They think they already have all the answers – The second you think this the learning stops, and with no learning, there’s no growth (HINT: No one ever has all the answers, top achievers are constantly learning and looking for new ways to grow)
- They think they can figure it out themselves rather than asking for help for – They’re so frightened of admitting (to themselves and other people), that they don’t have all the answers. So they’d rather struggle with trial and error when they could be handed the answers on a plate.
I make this mistake myself a lot too if I’m not careful!
Sometimes ego disguises itself as confidence when really it’s the exact opposite….
Ego is a weakness, and it’s stopping you making progress…
Where is this showing up in your life or in your business right now?
Ready to leave your ego at the door and grow Recruitment or Search Business?
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