It’s not the best recruiter who wins the business…
It’s the recruiter with the best sales pitch/presentation…
Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners don’t really know how to craft a winning sales presentation and so instead of winning business with the clients they want, for the fee they want and terms they want….
They end up winning clients who underpay…
Working on contingency roles competing with multiple other agencies…
With bad payment terms…
Missing out to their competitors…
And unable to grow their revenue as quickly as they would like…
I’m running a free online training this week (Wednesday) called “Automatic Sales™” where I’ll be walking you through the exact process you can use to dramatically increase the sales in your Recruitment/Search Business (without appearing slimy, needy or desperate for business)
Full details here:
Here’s some of what we’ll be discussing…
- How to go from being indifferent to irresistible in the eyes on your ideal prospects
- The exact framework the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help use to consistently win new business over your competitors (even if you charge higher fees)
- Go from low-value contingency assignments to high quality exclusive or retained assignments using the three principles of Automatic Sales™
Full details here:
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