Something that almost always comes up when speaking to Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want to join one of my programmes is commitment…
It’s almost impossible to achieve anything even slightly challenging without being 100% committed to it…
Building your perfect body,
Running a marathon,
Building a strong relationship with your kids,
A successful marriage,
And of course growing an outrageously successful Recruitment or Search Business…
All take massive amounts of commitment!
Along the journey, you’re inevitably going face challenges and obstacles that make you question yourself and make you feel like giving up…
And if you’re not committed… You will!
I don’t think anyone would argue with that…
The thing about commitment is… it’s easy to pretend…
People like to say they’re committed all the time…
It sounds good!
They like to say it to other people and they like to say it to themselves…
And they might actually believe they’re committed…
But saying or even believing you’re committed means nothing…
Commitment is about what you actually do, what you do consistently and what you do when the shit hits the fan…
It’s easy to behave in a committed way and take the right actions some of the time,
It’s especially easy to behave in a committed way when things are going well…
The real test of commitment comes when things start to go wrong…
When you’re faced with a new bigger obstacle,
When you’re backed into a corner with no other option but to throw in the towel or keep fighting,
When you’re asked to step outside your comfort zone and make difficult decisions,
When the opportunity to invest in yourself comes along and you have the option to either turn and run or jump in head first,
That’s when REAL commitment comes into to play…
And trust me… If I’m right about you, and you have any real ambition of growing your Recruitment or Search Business to the level you’ve always dreamed of, you’re going to need REAL commitment.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to grow your Recruitment or Search Business here are four ways I can help…
- Join the “Make More Placements” Facebook group – It’s our new Facebook community for Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want to increase their business revenue and profits in any economy . — Join Here
- Pre-Order your FREE copy of the ‘Make More Placements’ paperback book – It’s my new paperback book and it reveals the quick, dirty and uncensored secrets top performing Recruitment and Search Business Owners use to make more placements, for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches… – Pre-order here
- Watch the no-cost ‘Recession Proof’ online training – We recorded a brand new training called: How To Protect and Grow Your Recruitment or Search Business During in the NEW Economy… It reveals 7 key shifts every firm must make TODAY so they can thrive over the next 18 months and beyond – Watch here
- Custom Game Plan – If you want the exact game plan you need protect, pivot and Profit in your Recruitment or Search Business, in the NEW economy click the following link – Game Plan
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