Same old story…
I was speaking to a Search Firm Owner yesterday who was experiencing MASSIVE feast and famine months in her business…
Some month’s revenue was blowing up; her pipeline was flowing with prospects who wanted to speak with about using her services…
And some months her revenue was literally , and her pipeline was bone dry…
I see this a lot!
It probably one of the common blockages for Recruitment or Search Business Owners who want consistent growth…
For most of the people I speak to, if they could make their “good months” more consistent, their revenue would literally double…
The reason this happens is simple…
Recruiters often like to believe it’s down to luck or market conditions and it’s just something they’ve learnt to accept as part of running business…. But the truth is, its 100% behaviour driven…
During the bad months, almost all their behaviour is focused on business development…
They run around frantically trying to find business… They call old prospects, do more outreach, literally, all their time is focused on pipeline…
And it works….
They get business in, and this leads to the good months… where their behaviour is solely focused on delivery…
They get the clients they’re working with results, but they neglect business development so when all job orders are filled, they’re back at square one…
And the cycle repeats…
The solution is obvious… But often overlooked…
Focus on business development EVERY DAY… even when you’re delivering…
One of my clients has a great saying that I think he took from Grant Cardone….
“Every time you make a sale, you’ve just lost your best prospect.”
Make sure you’re consistently replacing your best prospects so you never go hungry!
And while we’re on the subject… I’ve been working on a new project for Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want to generate 100 leads within the next 60 days if you’re interested, send me an email with the word “leads” in the subject line and I’ll get all the details to you…
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