A couple of days ago I received a phone call from a Recruitment Business Owner in the UK,
I don’t usually take calls like this, but we had been exchanging emails for a while, so I made an exception.
And right at the start of the call, she called me pig-headed, arrogant and patronising! (she might have a point)
She HATED me.
You see, she had been on my list for some time, receiving emails, watching my webinars and listening to the Renegade Recruiter Unleashed podcast.
And to put it bluntly, she didn’t like hearing what I had to say.
Each one of my emails, Webinars and Podcasts was touching a nerve, and she didn’t like it…
Not one bit.
This is nothing new, my messages are designed to shine a light on the darkest parts of your mind and business.
Each message is like a sharp stab with a rusty fork into the open wounds that are your business challenges,
They’re like a brutal kick in the mouth that rattles your biggest business headaches,
They’re designed to be painful, make you winch, make you feel uncomfortable, make you question your actions and ultimately inspire you to get up a CHANGE something.
But the truth is, most people simply can’t handle it!
It takes a very special kind of man or woman to step up to the plate and walk the path of the Renegade Recruiter.
Most turn and run!
Or worse, say ‘Yeah but my business is different.’
And instead of facing the challenges of underperforming consultants, crap clients who don’t respect you, lousy fees, and HR/Internal Talent managers that refuse to let you speak to the hiring manager and then complain about the quality of the candidates…
These delicate souls decide to hide instead.
They unsubscribe from my emails, stop listening to my podcasts, I’ve even had the occasional idiot bad mouth me on forums! I’m sure they even go running to mummy and daddy telling them about how mean I’ve been…
Even though deep down they know and I know that what I’m saying is right, and the only reason they get so riled up is because I’ve touched a nerve and highlighted something they’re doing wrong in their business.
And I thought the Recruitment Business Owner on the phone was another delicate little soul too.
But by the end of the call, she actually had my utmost respect.
Because although what I say in my emails, podcasts and webinars etc. touched a nerve and left her feeling uncomfortable.
Deep down she knew I was speaking the truth, so instead of running and unsubscribing like the weak…
She did the opposite and started paying even more attention to everything I was saying.
And surprisingly, she was actually willing to stand up and take responsibility for the shit that had been happening in her business.
Instead of playing the victim and blaming bad consultants, bad business partners, bad clients, bad government or anyone of the other excuses I hear people throw up at me.
We’ll see in time what actions she decides to take in order to change her situation and grow her business.
But this email isn’t about her, it’s about you.
If you’re brave enough to step up to the plate and walk the path of the Renegade Recruiter, and you haven’t yet claimed your spot at ‘Market Domination X’ your time is running out.
(Go to this website for the full details – http://terryedwards.com/mdx/)
There are only a total of 14 places left. And on the 31st May, I’ll be taking the page down whether those places have been taken or not. And you will have missed your chance to join.
And in doing so, you’ll be waving goodbye to your £100K blueprint. Because when you spend two whole days with me at “Market Domination X“ if for any reason you don’t think the proven profit growth strategies you’ll get access to will be worth a minimum of £100K in additional revenue for your Recruitment or Search Business over the next 12 months. Simply let me know, and I’ll refund your fees in full. And as far as I’m aware, this is the ONLY event for Recruitment and Search Firm owners that backs up its claims with such an outrageous promise
So what are you waiting for?
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless….
Terry Edwards
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