Simple supply and demand


One thing that will make a massive difference to your Recruitment or Search business is an increase in the number of high-quality opportunities you generate each month…

Getting the fees you want and deserve involves negotiation…

And all the power in any negotiation lies with the person who’s more willing to walk away…

Most Recruitment or Search Business Owners are so desperate to close any proposal they make that they end up working with clients they don’t really like, for fees less than they deserve and unfavourable terms…

The truth is, your clients need high-quality recruiters more than you need any one client…

But you’ll only realise or benefit from this when your marketing generates “deal flow” that exceeds your capability…

It’s basic supply and demand… The more demand you have for your services the better…

When you have more leads than you can handle you’ll be able to pick and choose who you work with…

Walk away from anyone who isn’t willing to agree to a fee and terms you’re happy with…

And serve only your dream clients…

And if you want to know exactly how your Recruitment or Search Business can create more demand for your services click the link below –

Read more here




