As a Recruitment or Search Business Owner you’ll probably be well aware there are good clients and there a bad clients…
There are clients you love working with… And clients that you don’t…
What constitutes a good or bad client will vary from person to person because a lot of it can be based on personality and values…
But I think there will always be some commonalities…
For example…
Good clients pay the fee you want… Bad clients constantly ask you to reduce your fee….
Good clients respect what you do and the value you bring to the table…. Bad clients treat you like crap…
Good clients are loyal, refer like crazy and buy from you again and again… Bad clients jump ship as soon as one of your competitors offers a cheaper fee…
Good clients treat you like the paid expert… Bad clients treat you like the hired help…
I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture… And I’m equally sure you can think of a few bad clients of your own as you read this…
Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners think that the clients you work with all comes down to chance… A stroke of good or bad luck depending on the result…
“Sometimes you get good ones, and sometimes you get bad… But ultimately you have no control of the outcome…”
I used to believe this too…. But this couldn’t be further from the truth…
Every bad client you have in your business either now or in the past is there because…
- You attracted them – The messages you put out into the marketplace will either repel or attract people. How you speak, the language you use, where you use it all work together to attract a certain type of prospect. If you’re not attracting enough of the right prospects or too many of the bad ones its because of something you’re saying or doing
- You accept them – Even if you do attract them, you still don’t have to sell to them and accept them into your business. If you’re working with bad clients right now it’s because you decided to sell to them rather than walking away
- You allow their behaviour – People will only treat you how you allow them to treat you. If you’ve got clients that are treating you like crap or not behaving the way you expect, it’s because you’ve allowed them to get away with it
- You tolerate it – If you’re working with a bad client, you have the choice to fire them and stop working with them. The moment you decide not to do that and continue working with them you tolerate their behaviour
Most people understand this intellectually… But they keep attracting, accepting, allowing, and tolerating bad clients because they feel like if they don’t they’d be throwing money away…
And I get it… I used to think and behave like this…
I felt like I couldn’t walk away or fire clients because if I did… where would the next one be coming from?
And I know a lot of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I meet feel the same way…
But the solution lies in getting better at marketing… Generating more leads than you can handle, so it gives you the foundations to be able to say ‘no’ to clients you don’t want, ‘yes’ to the ones you do want AND still grow the business…
It means you can fire a client or walk away from business knowing for sure you can replace them in no time because you’ve already got another multiple sales meetings lined up for this week!
Recruiters who fully grasp this concept build a business only working with clients they LOVE and who value and respect them…
And if you the same… Click the link below and get the free game plan that reveals how to add at least six figures to your Recruitment or Search Business Over the next 12 months –
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