Making more sales is something that needs your constant time and attention…
If you’re smart… It’s an activity that probably takes a big percentage of your daily focus…
Most the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners I know are constantly looking for more ways to sell to new customers…
But here’s the thing…
Important as it is to sell to a new client….
Did you know, it’s 10 times easier to sell to an existing client, someone who has given you business previously than it is to go out and find a new one?
Think about it…
Assuming the first time they buy from you, they get the results they were looking for…
Why wouldn’t they buy from you again?
They already know who you are…
They already like you…
And they already trust you to give them what they need…
Selling to them in comparison to selling to a complete stranger should be a walk in the park…
But for some reason, it’s an area we all neglect…
And instead, we go out chasing new clients rather than just spending more time and increasing the value of the clients we already have…
Ask yourself this…
What would happen if you could increase the average amount each client spends with you by 2, 3 or even 4 times over the next 12 months?
More cash in your back pocket that’s what!
It’s completely achievable with less work than you might think… And it’s a lot easier than trying to double the number of clients you have too…
Getting more repeat business is just one of the things we look at inside the ‘Renegade Recruiter Movement’ and if you’re not already a member, you should click the link below to join now before Wednesday 13th December 2017…
Join by clicking this link
Right now you can get full access for just £98 per month, that works out at around £3.22 per day.
What’s more… your subscription will never increase for as long as you’re a Member.
But really, if you’re doing what needs to be done and taking action, your Membership is free. It’s better than free in fact because you should be making bigger profits far outweighing the small subscription fee I’m asking from you.
But don’t wait around… On Wednesday 13th December 2017 I’m increasing the price to join for good. To lock your membership in at its current rate, click the link below now.
Join here
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless….
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