As a Recruitment or Search Business Owner…
Even though you have a role within your company… You don’t really have a “Boss” as such…
But let’s say you did…
Let’s pretend for just a second you did have a Boss you reported to…
Imagine last week, that boss followed you around and watched your every move…
They saw every mouse click, overheard your every phone call, read everything you posted on social media, saw every app you loaded up on your phone, saw every email sent and received, kept track of exactly what time was spent doing what…
They even got to see what you did out of office hours, whats books you read, how much extra time and effort you spent working on yourself so you could perform better in your role…
What would they think?
Would you be getting a promotion and a pay rise? Would you get labelled mediocre and overlooked, or would you be sacked?
Now let’s pretend that boss is you…
You’re reviewing your own performance and have to decide on your future within the company…
What would you decide…
Unless your business is growing as quickly as you’d like or you’re at least 100% certain it will as long as you keep doing what you’re doing, the harsh truth is they’d be no pay rise or promotion…
You’re operating below the expectations you set yourself…
But the underperformance isn’t the real problem… It’s the attitude that goes with it and how willing you are to work and develop your game…
Ready to step up? Click the link below and see how we might be able to help…
The Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help are raising their standards and exceeding expectations. If you want to join them, click below now:
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