Most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who’ve been in business even a short amount of time, see the ultimate failure as going out of business entirely and having to go back and get a full time job…
I’d agree with that… But there is a hidden failure that can go unnoticed and unmentioned unless you make a conscious effort to do so…
And that’s the failure of only achieving mediocrity, when what you really want is exceptional results…
… I except that for some people mediocre is fine… For these people, as long as the bills are paid and there’s food on the table, they consider themselves a great success…
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if that’s how you truly feel…
But for many… Mediocrity was never something they set out to achieve…
It just sort of happened… And overtime they got comfortable with it…
The consequences perhaps aren’t as drastic as having to go out and get a job working for someone else… But this is still failure…
It’s hard to hear…
But the truth is… If you’ve ever scaled back, down sized or cut short your original ambitions to a lesser level of achievement… You’re failing yourself and the people closest to you every single day…
It’s harsh, but there is no other way of putting it…
It’s important to remember though… Failure is not a permanent state, because you can of course decide to do something about it…
Start today by taking the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ for a risk free test drive…
Although the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who are already members are all very different in the sense they come from different backgrounds, they live in different parts of the world and work in different sectors… They all have one thing in common…
They’re all pushing themselves above and beyond mediocrity and are heading quickly towards achieving exceptional results…
If you want to join them, you can do so by clicking the link below and starting your 30-day test drive….
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards
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