The next 6 months

The things you do today and over the next few weeks will have a massive impact on how your business performs over the next 6 months…

This has always been the case, but it’s perhaps even more important to remember now…

I’m seeing too many Recruiters waiting this thing out…

Hoping that the storm passes, and things go back to how they were before…

They might… But it’s more likely that the economy will be in a completely different shape post COVID-19…

Which means regardless of how your business is performing right now, a different set of tactics and strategies are required for your business to thrive in the new economy…

Recruitment and Search Business Owners who are proactive now will be the ones who are in the best possible position going forward…

I’m getting a handful of Recruitment and Search Business owners together later this month to share strategies for protecting cash and clients, leveraging opportunities and positioning your business as the “go to” option for Hiring Managers in your market…

If you’d like to join us, click the link below and read the full details (The deadline ends in just a few days):

Details here
