There’s something you need to pay particular attention too

Whether you’re an interim/contract or perm recruiter…

If your delivery model is not 100% either retained or exclusive….

There’s something you need to pay particular attention too…

If you fill 4 out of every 10 job orders, you work on…

The majority of time you’re working and not getting paid…

Every 10 job orders you get you’re leaving 60% of your revenue on the table…

To be frank, although there’s a lot of people who won’t tell you this…

And will perhaps sell you on the fantasy of “more job orders” …

These numbers are bad…

Seriously terrible…

I don’t get why a large part of the industry have accepted this as “the norm”…

I mean, could you imagine someone you care about, friend, family member, maybe even your favourite candidate taking a job where they only get paid for 4 out of every 10 days they work?

Would you really be encouraging them to take more hours at the company… Or would you say it’s time to find another job?

All things being equal… With a fill rate of 4/10 it means if you generated 100K last year, it should have been 250K…

If you generated 400K it should have been 1M…

If you generated 10M it should have been 25M…

I don’t care how “well” you’re doing the bigger the revenue the more painful these numbers look to me…

Most of us would snap up the chance of an extra 400K…

But for 1M worth of work?!

Not such a good deal now is it?

Assuming you’re a good recruiter and given the time you’re confident in your ability to find quality candidates…

And assuming those candidates actually exist (If they don’t exist that’s a whole different conversation for another day)

Anything below an 8/10 fill rate is low and needs some serious work…

Low fill rates are usually an indication of one thing…

Low-value job orders…

Growing your business isn’t just about more business development, it’s easy to up your volume of activity and pick up a few extra job orders…

It’s about attracting quality clients who view you as their trusted advisor and use you exclusively…

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways we can help…

  1. Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners” – It’s our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want to make more placements and scale their business. — Join Here
  2. Watch the APEX Method Training – It’s our free on-demand 60-minute seminar that reveal What Every Recruitment and Search Business Owners Ought To Know About Scaling Their Business In The NEW Economy and four growth secrets our clients use to scale from 6 to 7 figures and beyond – Watch here
  3. Claim your Make More Placements Strategy Session – Book a call with me and my team and explode profits in your Recruitment or Search Business. We’ll speak on the phone for 15-minutes, identify what hidden roadblocks are holding you back, give you absolute clarity on exactly what your next steps should be for more revenue and profit growth AND give you a free training to help you along the way – Book Here
  4. Work with us privately – If you’d like to work with us privately to scale your Recruitment or Search Business send us an email with the word “private” in the subject line and I’ll be in touch with the next steps
