One thing I tend to notice about almost every successful entrepreneur I meet, in any industry, is their exceptional ability to communicate the value of what they do…
For many of them, that ability comes naturally as a by-product of their passion for the product or service they offer… But for others, it’s something they’ve had to work at…
Either way… It’s easy to neglect what impact their ability to communicate the value in what they do has on their success…
I have a friend who owns an accountancy firm that specialises in working with small business owners…
Now… Although an accountant is something that every business owner needs, you’ll meet very few who are actually interested in the subject of ‘accountancy’…
Most of the time, when an accountant starts to talk about accountancy you’ll see people glaze over and lose interest…
Myself included…
But when I’m talking to him, it’s different…
When he talks about accountancy… He doesn’t talk about the boring forms I need to fill out…
Although all that stuff is important… he knows that the vast majority of people aren’t interested in that…
He focuses on where the real value is… He talks about things that are going to cut my tax bill whilst allowing me to take more money out the business….
He talks about increasing profits without having to work harder…
He talks about building systems in my business so I can work less but still grow the business…
That’s what gets me excited, thats where the value is for me and the other business owners he works with…
And the takeaway is this….
No matter how good your service is and no matter how much value it offers to the world… You have to communicate that value clear enough and convincingly enough to other people so that they too can see it believe in it and ultimately invest in it…
Your success is directly proportionate to your ability to demonstrate the value you can offer to other people..
The better you are at it, the more clients you’ll have…
It’s simple… But something most Recruitment and Search Firm owners very quickly forget…
And if you want more clients in your business, but you don’t yet know how to attract them as quickly as you’d like, click the link below and book a call with me and my team…
Claim your ‘Fast-Track To More Clients‘ telephone strategy session, and I’ll show you how to have your ideal clients knocking at your door in droves… Click below to book now.
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter
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