This stunts growth in Recruitment/Search Businesses


Here’s a question that will determine the speed of growth in your Recruitment or Search business…

“How many NEW decision makers have you spoken to about your services within the last 30 days?”

And I’m talking about proper positive conversations about your services…

Not a cold call to someone who doesn’t have a need…

And I mean “NEW”… as in someone you haven’t spoken to or worked with before….

For most the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners the answer will be around 5 or 6 on a good month…

Closer to 1 or 2 the majority of the time…

Very rarely do I meet anyone who’s spoken to more than 10….

But if you want to grow your business faster…

And make more revenue and profits…

This is a number you’ll need to work on increasing…

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that the more people you speak to, all things being equal, the more sales you’ll make

The big problem for most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners is that they have no proven system for getting in front of and speaking to new prospects, so they rely on repeat business from past clients…

Repeat business is great… It’s easy, it’s simple, and it’s proof that you’re doing a good job…

But relying on repeat business will stunt the growth of your business!

And if you want to find out exactly what you need to do so, you can increase the number of NEW decision makers you speak to each week, Without cold-calling…. click the link below and book a call with me or one of my team…

Book a call here

Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter

