Saw a Facebook post from a guy called Todd Herman over the weekend and I thought his insights are worth a share…
He had spent the past few days quarantined with COVID-19 and spent the time talking to a total of 29 CEO‘s to unpack their psychology, plans, and current experiences. (Ranging between $2.2M – $511M in Gross Revenue.)
He noticed that each CEO fell into one of three groups…
The FEAR-FOCUSED CEO‘s – this group is the most emotional, most concerned and most overwhelmed.
The UN-FOCUSED CEO‘s – this group is the one still uncertain on what to do, playing wait and see, and most dismissive.
The STRATEGY-FOCUSED CEO‘s – this group is the most focused on taking what it’s given and using it and still focused on growth/opportunity.
There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now… not for the first time this year, and it probably not for the last…
There’s a lot going on that you can’t control… But there’s still a lot you have complete control over.
The Fear-Focused CEO will spend all their time thinking, worrying and complaining about the things they can’t control.
Each minute of each day will be spent talking and thinking about things they can do nothing about.
The Un-Focused CEO will pay attention to the world around them, but then ultimately do nothing with the information. They’ll dabble with a few different things and toy with different ideas but never really make any progress.
The Strategy-Focused CEO pays attention to what they can’t control but spends the majority of their time building a plan of action to execute on what they can control. They’re going all in on aggressive action whist everyone out sits and waits.
What group do you fall into?
If you’re ready and willing to take massive action in your Recruitment or Search Business here are four ways we can help…
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