Two reasons they reach out

There are two typical situations that cause Recruitment and Search Business Owners to reach out to me for help…

The first is when they’ve had a bad day, month, quarter or even year…

Things go wrong and they come to the realisation that the way they’ve been doing things isn’t going to be enough to get their business where they want it to be…

This, perhaps surprisingly, is least common of the two…

The second situation is not related to a decline in business performance but instead to an increase in standards …

This happens when business is going well, ticking along nicely…. No problems per say…

But the business owner has an increase in standards…

What they’ve excepted as “good enough” for the majority of their business life is no longer good enough…

Things are going ‘OK’ and to the outside world they’re successful… But internally they want more, know they can do better but don’t know what to do to get the results they want…

They stop settling for what they’ve got… And raise their standards…

I don’t know if either of these will ever apply to you…

BUT I do know the Recruitment and Search Business Owners going through my APEX program have been crushing it…

More and better clients, higher fees, more profit and more freedom in their businesses…

And if you want the same, I might be able to help you too…

Click here to find out –
