“What is your cheapest fee?”

If you’re working with Hiring Managers who don’t respect or value what you do…

Constantly demand you to reduce your fees…

Don’t return your calls and are slow to give feedback…

Sometimes even cancelling projects without telling you meaning you’re working for nothing…

You want to tell them where to “shove it” but new business is slow and you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot…

To them…. you’re nothing more than a commodity that can be easily replaced…

Just “another recruiter”…

But you’re not just “another recruiter”… you’re better than most and you know you could find them the best candidates in the market…

If only they would give you the time of day and partner with you rather than treating you like the hired help…

We’ve built a process called “The Exclusive Prospect Process™” that takes Recruiters from “under-appreciated hired help, to in-demand highly paid expert” with a few simple tweaks to the way you’re currently doing things…

It means:

  • Hiring managers will be happy to pay the fee you deserve
  • They’ll partner with you, treat you with respect and take your guidance
  • They’ll work with you exclusively above your competitors
  • They’ll work with you on your terms (rather than you working on theirs)

If you’d like to find out if it will work for you in your business, click here and I’ll walk you through it:




