Why Aren’t You the Most Expensive Recruitment or Search Firm In Your Sector?

Serious question…

Why aren’t you the most expensive in your market?

If you’re already the most expensive, then great… Obviously this doesn’t apply to you….

But If not… Then why?

It’s a question that a former mentor of mine asked me a while back and it forced me to take a serious look at they way I was doing things…

You see, I’m quite a rational thinker most of the time… and in my world at least… The only rational way to answer that question is:

“Because I don’t believe I’m the best”


“Because I believe that others offer a better service than me or get better results”

If that’s the case, then the obvious answer is to get better at what you do…

But I was the best!

… In my opinion at least… (the only opinion that matters btw)

And I was telling my potential clients I was the best in every sales meeting or sales opportunity….

And most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners I meet are the same…

They believe they’re the best, they believe they offer the best service and they believe they get the best results…

It’s good to have confidence in the service you offer, right?

But truth is, if you really believe you’re the best… Or even just one of the best, your prices have got to reflect that…

So I put my prices up…. literally overnight and I haven’t looked back since…

Not doing it sooner is probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in business….

Thing is…

Most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners I speak to are STILL making the same mistake…

They claim they’re the best… Yet they’re charging less than their competition??

It doesn’t make sense…

You know it doesn’t…

I know it doesn’t…

And your potential clients know it too…

If you really are the best at what you do…

If you really do offer the best service for your clients…

If you really do get the best results…

Then why aren’t you the most expensive?

… As you’ve probably realised, you simply ‘thinking’ you’re the best isn’t enough to win the business… You’ve got to convince your clients of that fact too!

And whether you like it or not, your price and how you’re positioned in the market in relation to the competition are going to be factors in their decision… That’s why it’s so important to have a pricing and positioning strategy in place!

Something we I cover in more detail in my book ‘Seven Deadly Threats’… And if you haven’t already got a copy, you can get it for FREE by clicking the link below (just cover shipping and handling)

Claim Your Copy Here…

Speak to you soon,

Until then…

Take care, take action and be relentless…

Terry Edwards


