Why Bruce Lee fears top recruiters

Something I’ve often recited to my clients, and something I try to live by is this:

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

It’s something Bruce Lee was once quoted as saying…

I have no idea whether he actually said it or not… I didn’t hear him myself and the internet has a habit of making things like this up…

But in either case… It’s something that resonates with me and I agree with it 100%

He was making the point that mastering 1 skill to near perfection, almost always trumps mastering 10,000 skills to a mediocre level…

I don’t necessarily believe this to be the case in all circumstances… But when it comes to running a Recruitment or Search business, it rings true almost every time…

On a personal level, I notice a significant difference in my performance when I’m trying to focus on too many projects at once, rather than putting all my time and attention into one…

I might not notice at the time…

But the results I achieve (or don’t achieve) will soon reveal the truth…

I always get far better results when I focus on fewer things and put all my time and energy into mastering those few…

And in my experience, most people are the same…

It’s a mistake I see Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make time and time again…

They come into the industry with all these big ideas about what they want to achieve and how…

But they lack focus, and so instead of committing to something and just doing it until completion…

They spread themselves too thin and end up falling well below their potential.

If you want to get results in your business, it’s vital you choose the right areas to focus on and master…

And speaking of focus…

If you haven’t already seen the online training that reveals the 4 critical things Recruitment and Search Firm Owners MUST do if they want to grow their business in 2018 click the link below and watch it now…

Watch it here

If growing your business as quickly as you would like is something you’ve ever struggled with, I promise you this will be 60-minutes well spent. Some of my top clients have said this is the best training I’ve ever done and it’s free for you to join today.

Simply click the link below, pick a time slot that suits you and I’ll see you on the other side…

Here the link you need to click

Here’s some of what we’ll be looking at

  • Why cold calling, networking and referrals are the SLOWEST, most tedious way of getting new clients…and the simple 4-step process our clients use to make winning new business easy, fast and predictable
  • Why “hiring more consultants” is the WORST way to scale a Recruitment or Search Business and what you should be doing instead (Hint: Get this right and you’ll unlock hidden revenue in your business within just a few weeks)
  • The simple 4-step client attraction plan that takes our clients from ‘unknown’ to having sales meetings with their ideal clients every single day (This will have prospects “knocking’ at your door wanting to buy from you above your competitors)

Join here…

Speak to you soon,

Until then…

Take care, take action and be relentless….

Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter
