This might sound strange at first, but hear me out.
It really can be bad for your Recruitment or Search Business to get close to reaching your goals…
A few weeks ago, one of my clients came to the realisation that he’d taken his foot off the gas a bit in recent months…
He was still working and working hard, but compared to previous years… He didn’t feel like he was pushing himself as much…
He was doing better than he ever had done before… but the urgency and hunger had gone…
You see, when he first started out in business, he set a big goal he wanted to achieve, something that for him represented success….
From memory, I think it was something like to have two mortgages paid off and a certain amount of money in the bank…
And the problem was… He was getting very close to reaching it…
That might not sound like a problem to most people… And getting close to reaching your goals alone isn’t the problem…
The problem is, if you’re not careful, the closer you get to reaching your goals, the more complacent you get…
And complacency can lead to not achieving something that was just within touching distance…
I’ve done this many times myself in personal and in business life…
Set myself a target I wanted to reach… Put all the hard work and hours in at the earlier stages and then easing off a bit the closer I get to the finish line…
Only to end up falling just short…
We all do this from time to time, we all take our foot off the pedal and stop putting as much effort in as we should…
And we do that in all areas of our life….
From relationships….
To personal health and fitness…
And even in business…
Sometimes you can get away with it without too many consequences…
But more often than not, you will have to pay the price in one way or another…
In relationships… you sometimes end up hurting the people you care about the most …
When it comes to personal health and fitness… Your physical appearance and self-esteem might suffer…
And in business…
You lose clients…
You lose candidates…
You lose out to your competitors…
You lose out on profits…
And perhaps most importantly, you lose out on the cash you’re able to take out of the business, which means your lifestyle and that of your family suffers as well…
It’s one of the many bad habits we have as human beings…
Getting too comfortable, complacent and letting things slip through the net…
Which is why the Recruitment Marketing Academy is so powerful…
Not only do you get to network with some of the leading Recruitment & Search Business Owners in the industry, which forces you to raise your game and think bigger.
You’ve also got me, and the other members of the Academy constantly nipping at your heels, making sure you get what needs to be done – done!!!
Making sure that instead of losing clients, you push yourself and your business to the next level and bring more on…
Making sure that instead of losing out to your competitors… You’re leaving them in your dust…
And instead of losing profits … Making sure that you make enough revenue to give you and your family the lifestyle you all deserve…
If you’re not already a member, you should think about joining…
Click below for details –
Terry Edwards
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