I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed a couple of nights ago and came across something I think all Recruitment and Search Firm Owners can relate to…
It was a post by a guy called Sam Ovens who I’ve followed for some time…
It was quite a long post, so I’ve taken out most of it, but you can find the most relevant segment below…
“You’re not the highest version of yourself which you can imagine; you’re the lowest version of yourself which you can accept.
Most people have hopes and dreams, but they rarely achieve them. They write down things they want and wish happy thoughts, but nothing ever comes of it. People always regulate to the lowest version of themselves which they can accept, not the highest version of themselves which they can imagine.
Change comes from lifting your standards, not your dreams. People binge watch tv series and leave their dreams on the back-burner for later, but they will fight like hell to not breach their standards. This pattern presents itself in everybody.
Here’s a common example:
If you want to observe somebodies pattern of existence, look at their bank account. Most people have two numbers “Desired balance” and “Panic balance”. They want to have more money in their bank account, but the force of desire is nowhere near strong enough to make them do something about it.
Then there’s the “Panic balance”. The number that somebody panics when their balance falls below it. The moment somebody finds themselves below the panic balance they explode into action and work tirelessly until they’re back in the safe zone.”
These two numbers present a persons financial dreams and standards. They do nothing to achieve the dreams but they fight like hell to not breach their standards. This same pattern of existence show’s up everywhere in a persons life, not just their bank account.
When you want to change your life or business try to map your dreams and standards and understand where they are. Find the lowest version of yourself you’re willing to tolerate and then work on lifting that standard to where you truly want to be. When you do this you’ll light a fire within you like nothing else.”
Every Recruitment and Search Business Owner has a secret “safe zone” …
We all do… In every area of life…
Most of the time we live comfortably within that safe zone, coasting along but making no real BIG strides towards our dreams…
Then something happens…
Your bank account falls below a certain balance…
Your monthly business revenue drops below a certain level…
You can no longer fit into a certain dress size…
You lose connection with your partner…
Whatever it is in whatever area of life you fall below your standards, slip out of your “safe zone” and all of a sudden you’re snapped into taking massive action!
You work harder longer hours, you do things you couldn’t find the time to do before, you work out more regularly, eat healthier foods, you set up more date nights with your partner, you stop spending money on things you don’t really need, out of nowhere find more time to spend with your kids…
Then things get better again…
You enter your safe zone and you take your foot off the pedal…
This happens subconsciously, and most people won’t even realise but it’s a pattern I’ve seen time and time again with Recruitment and Search Firm owners… And in my own life on a personal level…
But here’s the takeaway…. The secret to success isn’t having bigger dreams and goals….
The secret to success is raising your standards and levelling up your “safe zones” …
And if you want help with that in your Recruitment or Search Business then I’m the person you should speak to… Click the link below right now and let’s talk!
Book a call by clicking this link
Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter
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