One thing that stops Recruitment and Search Firm Owners marketing their business and getting their company name out there is…
They’re scared that some of their “potential clients” won’t like it and they’ll miss out of sales…
It’s one of the big objections I get from my clients when I encourage them to do things like, send regular emails, relentlessly follow up or put their personality in their marketing…
And it’s the same objection I had when I first started out…
But the thing is… As long as when you market your business remain authentic and true to yourself, that won’t happen…
A mistake a lot of Recruitment and Search Firm owners make is thinking that their ‘target audience’ and a ‘potential client’ is the same thing…
It’s NOT!
Or at least it shouldn’t be if you’re doing things the right way!
Take my business for example…
My target audience is obviously people who own or run Recruitment or Search Businesses…
But within that target audience, only a very small percentage would be considered potential clients…
For example… I help Recruitment and Search Firm owners grow their business, make more sales and increase profits…
And although this might surprise you… That’s simply not something ALL Recruitment and Search Firm owners want…
So even though ALL Recruitment and Search Firm owners would be in my target audience…
Only the ones who actually want to grow their business could be considered a potential client of mine…
And it goes much deeper than that. because even out of the ones who SAY they want to grow their business, make more sales and increase profits… Only a few are actually prepared to do what it takes…
And again…. A potential client of mine NEEDS to be prepared to actually do what it takes, otherwise they’re not going to get any results…
And even out of the ones who are prepared to do what it takes… Some of them might not like me, my style or my way of doing things (some people have poor taste) …
And more importantly… I might not like them!
For someone to be a potential client of mine our values need to match…
We need to get on…
If I say, do or believe something that alienates someone in my target audience so much they wouldn’t want to buy from me…
Then we were never going to be a right fit…
Because anything I say or do in my marketing, is EXACTLY how I behave in real life…
This is very important if you want to actually ENJOY spending time with the clients you work with…
And was a big breakthrough in my business personally when I finally understood it…
You are not meant to serve everyone… As long as you’re true to yourself when you market your business and do it with YOUR personality, YOUR values, share YOUR opinions and beliefs then you’re only people in your target audience you’re going to alienate is people that were either never going to buy from you…
Or people that you wouldn’t enjoy working with if they did…
I cover this in more details in my book ‘Seven Deadly Threats’… It’s exclusively for Recruitment and Search Firm Owners and for a limited time only you can claim your copy for FREE by clicking the link below…
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless….
Terry Edwards
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