Why Talented Recruiters Sometimes Fail In Business (What You Can Learn From Prince Continued….)

You may remember a couple of days ago I a blog that talked about Prince and what Recruitment and Search Firm owners can learn from him… (read it here)

Well… I had this comment from one Recruitment Business Owner on LinkedIn…

“Sorry Terry … Prince has nothing to do with the UK Recruitment industry and died yesterday… I think this is in pretty poor taste to use him to flog your books”

I won’t name and shame the guy because I’m sure he means well… and his comment actually got a few “likes” so I know he’s not the only one who has this opinion…

But he’s completely missed the point of the email and in doing so, is making a mistake I see from a lot of Recruitment or Search Firm owners…

The first mistake he’s made is believing that I actually value his opinion or care what he thinks… I don’t!… But he doesn’t know me that well so I’ll let him off just this once…

And although I would agree with him that Prince has nothing to do with the Recruitment Industry…

Thinking you can only learn from what goes on in your little industry is just plain stupid…

(Fast foods restaurants got the idea for the drives-thru from the Grand National Bank of St. Louis, Missouri!…)

Here’s the facts… Anyone who sells anything from Recruitment to Sex, to Drugs, to Rock and Roll will have to master MARKETING if they ever want to make a profit….

It’s effective marketing the creates pop icons, not talented musicians….

The same way its effective marketing that creates a successful Recruitment or Search Business, not a talented recruiter…

We all know very talented musicians who didn’t make it… And we’ve all seen not so talented musicians churn out hit single after hit single…

By the same token, we probably all know recruiters who were top billers working for someone else, but who struggled or failed completely when they set out in business on their own…

And Prince might not know anything about Recruitment, but he did know how to market himself and he did know how to make himself stand out in a crowded market!

Something many Recruitment or Search Firm owners struggle with!

And the ‘poor taste’ thing…

I’m assuming he means because Prince has recently passed way… (If I’m wrong, I’ll hold my hands up…)

I’ve mentioned death in emails before and I’ve had similar responses so lets put this one to bed once and for all…

A BIG part of my marketing strategy relies on talking about current events….

And yes… that will inevitably include death every now and then…

It’s pretty much the only thing that’s guaranteed in this life and it’s something that EVERYONE can relate to…

So yeh… You will see me talk about it from time to time….

You don’t have buy from me… You don’t even have to like it…

But it’s going to happen!

And it’s not just me doing it either…

Newspapers, TV channels, Magazines and other media outlets have been doing this for YEARS!

You just try and buy a newspaper that doesn’t mention someone’s death…

It’s usually the headline on the front page!… And yes, they do this to SELL more copies!

Life insurance companies HAVE to do this do… A lot of what influences their customers to buy is the fear of what might happened if the suddenly die or get sick….

Gym membership and healthy eating cookbooks are marketed around being healthier and living longer… i.e. avoiding death!

And I could give you an endless list of examples of this…

You may think it’s in “poor taste” …

Well… You don’t have buy!

You don’t even have to like it…

But it’s going to happen!

… Anyway! While you’re here… If you’re a Recruitment or Search Business owners and you want to know how to QUICKLY grow your business revenue and profits you should click the link below and claim your FREE copy of my book ‘Seven Deadly Threats’

Claim Your Copy Here

It’s packed full of tried, tested and proven business and client attraction strategies designed to make you money and add profits to your business and you can get your copy for FREE by clicking the link below…

Click here for your copy

Speak to you soon,

Take care, take action and be relentless….

Terry Edwards

P.S. I have more to say on this topic, but I’ll save that for tomorrows email

In the mean time make sure you’ve claim your copy of ‘Seven Deadly Threats” by clicking the link…


