Imagine this…
It’s your wedding day and instead of turning to your partner, looking them deeply in the eyes and saying “I do!”
… You say, “I’ll TRY”…
Doesn’t exactly scream commitment does it?
The same applies to everything else you do in life…
Including your business….
Some Recruitment and Search Firm owners think, talk and do in terms of “TRYING” to generate leads and “TRYING” to grow their business….
Being committed to trying isn’t good enough… You need to be committed to doing…
Successful Recruitment and Search Firm Owners don’t just “TRY” to be successful…
They are 100% committed to doing!
And so, everyday they make decisions others are not willing to make in order to achieve their goal…
And they continue to make decisions that others are not willing to make in order to stay successful…
Like it or not, the business environment we now operate in can be harsh, cutthroat and competitive….
And it seems to be becoming more and more competitive by the day….
And I’m not just talking about competing businesses…
Today, you’re competing against the economy…
You’re competing against your personal challenges…
You’re competing against your potential clients and their reluctance to spend any money…
It’s a never-ending list and it’s growing by the day….
So if you think, talk and do in terms of “TRYING”…
When the shit hits the fan, as it will at more than one point in your business life, you’re not going to have the resolve to get through it.
If you read the biography of any successful person in any industry, whether they’re successful in the business world, sports world, music industry, whichever…
Almost without exception, there’s a point in their life or career when they are pretty much at rock bottom!…
They have businesses that have been bankrupt or close to bankruptcy…
They’ve had career threatening injuries or their dropped from the team…
They get dropped from their record label or their songs don’t sell…
Whatever it may be…
They, as does everyone else on this planet, have some very big obstacles to overcome in order to achieve what it is they set out to achieve…
Speak to anyone who’s been married for over 5 years or so and you’ll find the same thing…
Big ass, hairy, in your face challenges….
Do you think that if they had just been “TRYING” to be successful they would have had the strength to pick themselves up and turn things around?
Or course not!
Their commitment and resolve kept them going while all of the “Try’ers” gave up and fell by the way side!
And it’s the same for you…
Don’t just “TRY”… Be 100% committed and be willing to do the things that others are not willing to do and make the decisions that others are not willing to make…
Start by clicking below and joining the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy –
Speak with you soon,
Until then,
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards
P.S All new and current members who join me before the deadline will qualify for a FREE copy of ‘How To Double Your Client Base In 6 Months Or Less’, it reveals the exact strategy some of the worlds leading Recruitment and Search Firms have used to multiply their client base with ease. It usually sells for £397 but it’s yours today for FREE.
Join Here…
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