Why Your Recruitment Or Search Business Sucks And It’s All Your Fault…

When I first started out in this industry…

I statement I used a lot was, “It’s not your fault” …

Usually when talking to a Recruitment or Search Firm owners whose business wasn’t doing as well as they would like…

They would complain about the challenges they were facing in their business…

Usually around lack of leads or not being able to grow to the next level quickly enough…

And I would say something like….

“It’s not your fault!… The reason you’re struggling to grow your business is because you’ve never been taught” … etc.

And I actually believed it…

But I’ve have some time to think about it and I’ve decided…

It IS your fault…

All of it!

I mean seriously… You may have never been taught how to grow your business without coldcalling…

I get that…

And perhaps no one has ever shown you how you can increase your prices without losing clients…

I understand that too…

And maybe you don’t know how to increase your sales…

I hear ya…

But you’re a fully grown adult… Right?

You’re perfectly capable of getting up and seeking out this information yourself…

And if you’ve been in business even a short amount of time and you’re not happy with the way things are going…

If your Recruitment or Search business isn’t growing quick enough or you don’t have enough clients…

It’s ALL your fault!

There comes a point in life where we all have to take responsibility for the reality we’re living in…

It does you no good whatsoever blaming it on other people!

And IF you’re not happy with the way things are going in your business right now, IF you want better results in a shorter amount of time, you should click the link below and claim your FREE copy of my book “Seven Deadly Threats”

Claim Your Copy Here –

It’s packed full of tried, tested and proven business and client attraction strategies designed to make you money and add profits to your business. And it’s yours today for FREE (just cover shipping and handling) …

Yes, Terry! Send Me My FREE Copy…

Speak to you soon,

Until then…

Take care, take action and be relentless….

Terry Edwards

