Win more retained/exclusive roles (free training)

If you want to win more retained or exclusive roles, for higher fees then there are certain things you must say and do next time you speak with a Hiring manger….

The Recruitment and Search Business Owners I work with have been using this framework and consistently making more placements, winning more retainers for higher fees in super competitive niches…

Next week I’m running a free online workshop revealing exactly how they do it…

Go to for details

  • Why most contingency Recruitment Business owners feel overworked and underpaid and how to make sure you’re not one of them (make more money with less work and fewer headaches)
  • Find out exactly what Hiring Managers are looking for in a Recruitment/Search service (This is the “secret” to higher fees and exclusivity)
  • How to position your firm as the “safe choice” in the eyes of Hiring Managers in your market so they’ll choose you over the competition (Get this right and you’ll dominate your niche in any economy)

Here’s the link to the details again –
